I know this is long - but please read it if you have read anything - TopicsExpress


I know this is long - but please read it if you have read anything I’ve posted since the start of summer. Well, just as I was gearing up to share my story there was a MAJOR plot twist and now the story took a turn I didn’t want and I’m not thrilled about. But, I’m going to share it because I know something good will come out of it and I know it will encourage someone to press on. That’s what we do, right? We press on and move forward. As you know, a few months ago I started my get fit journey. I lost weight well over a year ago, so this was about strength & function. I’ve posted the victories, the little muscles, the joy of rejoining active life and being OUT OF that bed & that chair. I’m back in that chair (praise Jesus it’s just the chair & not the stinking bed!) because I have a pinched nerve in my lower back, hamstring injury & flare up of a frozen shoulder. No need to go into what it is actually like – google it if you don’t already know! This is what I want to share… **LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!** I did it to myself on accident. Mid-July in a workout I started having bad back pain & severe shoulder pain. In mid-August came great pain in the knee. But I kept going & pushing through. NOT out of stubbornness or denial – out of confusion. I have been sedentary for over 10 years & in bed for almost 3. I hurt every day of my life, a lot. Pain, (“discomfort” says a pro that doesn’t hurt all that bad) is part of starting exercise after atrophy sets in all the muscles of your body. I asked a few people if I should hurt with certain moves – everyone said what I was thinking, “probably for you it will hurt, you are starting with nothing”. So, I pressed on. I missed the warning signs from my body because I am accustomed to pushing through the pain. Why am I telling you this? Because as a new fitness & nutrition coach this kinda sucks and I feel the need to explain myself! But, mostly because I want let you know that my journey will be starting over again. Sigh – AGAIN! As I have private messages & talks with you about your fear of starting or doubt in yourself – I want you to know you can believe me when I say “I get it”. I mean it when I say, “It’s ok that you missed the mark last week, let’s do it together.” I get frustrated & want to quit and instead I reach out because I am determined NOT TO QUIT. EVER. You may find it annoying that I talk about my efforts to be well & healthy. But, I must live this life to my best! I have chosen to live out loud because I know someone is watching and needs that comradery. That is what Joe & I are doing – offering comradery and what we are learning as we go along. We believe in fighting for our future and our health. We are focusing on spiritual & personal growth. If you thought I had it all together suddenly and if you thought it was just a phase and I would be down again – you were wrong on both accounts. I have been working for health my entire life and am grateful for the taste of it I received in the last few months! I will never be down again because I have healed the inside through nutrition and every workout I completed made me stronger. And, I now see I am a total BADA** because I worked out for 3.5 months with a pinched nerve and lived a full life at the same time!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 23:11:50 +0000

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