I know this is long but PLEASE Read. Heres my message to you - TopicsExpress


I know this is long but PLEASE Read. Heres my message to you today: DO NOT USE THE DOG PARK! Unless you are fully aware of the law (or lack there of) & then make the fully informed decision to go inside those gates & take on the full responsibility of any & Everything that happens within those fences. There is NO law that protects you, any human, or any animal you bring in there. It doesnt matter what is posted on the signs. It doesnt matter if little dogs are in the big dog side or if big dogs are in the little dog side. You assume FULL responsibility for whatever happens to you or your animal. You Do Not however take on responsibility or are liable if your animal hurts/attacks anyone else...BECAUSE...they are also assuming the responsibility for their own selfs & anyone or any animal they bring into those gates. I did not know this and the more I speak with people the more Im finding not many others know this either. People need to know. People need to be educated about this. I know dogs are unpredictable, and I know they are predatory, I know they are territorial. However, I thought when you took on the responsibility of owning and caring for a pet that you were responsible for what that pet does. Whether it be tear up someones personal belongs, digging up someones yard, or hurting another human or animal. I thought if my dog were to ever hurt someone, or another animal, or damage someones property no matter where it was I would be responsible for those damages. That is just not always the case. You do not have to just take my word. You can call animal control and speak to one of the officers there. They will probably explain it better than I did here. I just think its extremely important for people to know so they dont have to go through what Im going through now. My Koda was attacked yesterday in the dog park in the small dog area at Thompkins Park on 7th street. There were 2 large dogs in there. I was careful I didnt go straight in. I let them meet at the fence. They got their jitters out. When I thought everyone was calmed down I slowly opened the gate and slowly walked inside. Even at this point everything was fine. I turned around to lock the gate behind me and in that instance my world changed and my dogs life is hanging in the balance now. That dog locked her jaws around Kodas head and there was no getting her off of him. I know some of you may read this and say well its just a dog and I get that. To me, though, he is so much more. We got him when he was born. It was just like bringing a brand new baby home. He slept most of the time. He would wake up and whimper. He would play a little, eat a little, pee a little, then sleep some more. I know every freckle he has, every tooth he has lost, I know all his tricks, all his quirks. He looked to me to protect him and there was nothing I could do. I was completely helpless and he had no chance against that other dog. Im now just left with guilt and the constant sickening worry of will he survive and if he does will he be the same little Koda as before. The medical bills are stacking up and I find myself not even caring as long as he just gets better. I will sell everything I have just so he can get better. Because its just not fair to him. It wasnt his fault. It wasnt really anybodys fault. It was just a horrible event that took place that no one can take back. So I ask of you to please just spread the word on what the laws are or actually are not. This was people can make a better decision of putting themselves or anyone else or any other animal in harms way. Thank You
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 04:57:41 +0000

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