I know this is over the head of us mortals who are not theoretical - TopicsExpress


I know this is over the head of us mortals who are not theoretical physicists, but the implications are tremendous in understanding our Universe. They seemed to have found observational evidence for the inflammatory component of the Big Bang theory - expansion of space-time far exceeding the speed of light - within the first ten to the minus 36th second (10^-36) after the Big Bang. NOTE that the speed of space expansion is not governed by General Relativity, thus can exceed the speed of light (but nothing within our space-time frame can do this!). The gravitational wave, generated by the inflation caused some polarization of the Cosmic Background Radiation and this polarization pattern was successfully measured! If true, physics and metaphysics may blend together, like 3 of the 4 elemental forces did at that early moment of the Universe (electromagnetic force, weak and strong nuclear forces). GRAVITY is still a sore party-pooper in this picture, I think :). With this observation multiverses became far more likely today than they were yesterday - whatever it means for Crimea, Flight 370, or the NCAA bracket...
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 21:56:44 +0000

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