I know this is the normal plain belief between Christians all over - TopicsExpress


I know this is the normal plain belief between Christians all over the world but I thought I would share it with all of my friends. Love this article. So many truths in Gods word. You are the righteousness OF God. Who are the kings, lords, small gods and Co-creators Jesus and God was talking about all throughout the bible....us! He is King of kings (us) and Lord of lords (us). In this article, we see that the Jews of Jesus day accused Him of blasphemy for claiming to be the Son of God: Because You, being a Man, make Yourself God (John:10:33). His response is intriguing: Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law [in Psalm:82:6], I said, You are gods? If He [God] called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken), do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, You are blaspheming, because I said, I am the Son of God? (John:10:34-36). In other words, said Christ, if Scripture outright called human beings gods, why are you upset when I merely state that I am Gods Son? Yet are human beings actually gods? What did He mean? In Psalm:82:6, from which Jesus quoted, God says to human beings: I said, You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High. The Hebrew word translated gods is elohim, which literally means gods or mighty ones—although it is often rendered as God (that is, the true God) in the Bible. Thats because, although plural in form, the word elohim is often singular in usage. Some have argued that the word in this context should be translated judges (mighty ones being seen by some here as simply powerful human beings). But the original New Testament manuscripts translate Christs quotation in John 10 using the Greek word theoi —gods. Indeed, it is obvious that Jesus must have meant gods. If He had meant only judges, His logic would not follow. Notice: If Scripture called them judges, why are you upset that I claim to be the Son of God? That makes no sense. Only when the word is rendered gods—and understood to mean that—does Christs logic follow. But, again, can human beings legitimately be referred to as gods, as Jesus said? How are we to understand this? Terminology of family The key here is the word children in Psalm 82. We must understand that God is a family. There is one God (the God family ) comprising more than one God Being. The God family from the beginning comprised two divine Beings—God and God the Word (John:1:1-3). The Word became flesh as the Son of God, Jesus Christ (verse 14). And, after His human life and death, He was resurrected to divine spirit existence as the firstborn from the dead (Colossians:1:18) and firstborn among many brethren (Romans:8:29). Thus Jesus was spiritually born in the resurrection as the first of many brethren or children to follow later. Indeed, from the beginning God intended to add many children to His family. In Genesis 1, after creating plants and animals to reproduce each according to its kind, God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness (verse 26, emphasis added throughout)—showing that man was created according to the God kind. To help us understand the parallel with God creating man in His image and likeness, Genesis:5:3 says that the first man Adam later begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth. So God was essentially reproducing Himself through humanity. The apostle Paul told the men of Athens, ... As also some of your own poets have said, For we are also His offspring (Acts:17:28). Psalm 82 is much easier to understand in this light. In verse 6 the word gods is equated with children of the Most High. That makes perfect sense. When any entity bears offspring, its offspring are the same kind of entity. The offspring of cats are cats. The offspring of dogs are dogs. The offspring of human beings are human beings. The offspring of God are small gods. Now, dont let this go to your head folks, just the truth...lol Plain and simple.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:11:41 +0000

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