I know this isnt going to make much sense to the vast majority of - TopicsExpress


I know this isnt going to make much sense to the vast majority of my list (meaning IRL friends), so unless you know me in the Closet World, you can skip. I wanted to post this here however, to be assured everyone saw it. I well understand that people are bent out of shape about the random WDW uploads. I get that people are disappointed, wish they had gone to bed earlier last night, etc. However, I have been called onto the carpet for my role in last night, so I want to clarify a few things in defense of my actions. I had two sources of info most people didnt have. One was a screen shot of a convo with Sarah and Shannon which a good friend showed me. The other was NUMEROUS conversations I had with Beverly. I happened to be on the boards at a time when Beverly was not (after the Camerons loaded)....and ALL I did (aside from get the word out about the mistake with the Joyces) was confirm that on the original list of what would be sold--given to Beverly by Sarah and Shannon--there was more than what had already been released. Period. I was NOT guaranteeing it would be loaded last night. I reminded people multiple times that on Wednesday, WDW had said they planned to finish the surprise loads on Thursday.....only to continue to Friday. These were RANDOM loads....the intent was NOT for people to sit in front of their computers refreshing for three straight days. There were no set times for things to go out....meaning NO ONE could guarantee it would be last night. I was trying to help, people. For craps sake. I wasnt trying to be a know-it-all or lord information over people or feel all self important that I knew things others didnt. I was trying to help. I have made a TON of friends in the closet world, and therefore often get info from various sources. Instead of privately PMing what I knew to a handful of people....I thought it was MORE FAIR TO GIVE IT TO EVERYONE. However, I was INCREDIBLY careful about what I said and how I said it. If nothing else, I didnt want anyone involved to feel as though the instant something is spoken to me I broadcast it to the boards. At the same time, I did know *from Beverly* that there had been a good many more things on the original release list...and didnt want people to go to bed if they were anticipating something other than the Joyces, since they COULD have loaded last night. That is ALL I said. Clearly I made the wrong choice. Next time I am keeping my mouth shut. Damn.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 21:27:10 +0000

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