I know this scenario.....you meet an old man-we call them sugar - TopicsExpress


I know this scenario.....you meet an old man-we call them sugar daddies sometime. You have no physical attraction to him BUT he has something that you want-most likely money. Or perhaps, he has money and power. Well, you want it. You are struggling to get where you NEED to be and he can fix that. You might be repulsed by him cause lets face it, its hard to be turned on by an old man. But you do what you have to do to get what you want or need at that time. You dont like it cause you feel like hell, he should WANT to help me without anything in return. I mean thats what GOOD people do right? You almost feel entitled to the help cause you are attractive and fine and should not have to demean yourself to get where you want/need to be. So after using my critical thinking skills, this is what I have come up with regarding this Bill Cosby scandal. Code word I. You may come to a different conclusion. All of the women received something from him; tuition paid, a job or part, money, etc. Some of these women admit to sleeping with him on more than one occasion or calling him up after they were raped the first time. Some of them admit to taking pills without question over and over. Hell, I dont even like the idea of being put to sleep by licensed physicians let alone an old man in a patchwork robe. And then there is the man who says he was the person used to make drops or payments to these women AND he has the money order receipts. MONEY ORDER RECEIPTS? Really? Receipts leave paper trails which is why we buy money orders in the first place. Something inappropriate did happen here though. But both parties benefited. Thats not the definition of rape folks. Rape victims dont take payoffs from their rapists! They dont go back to be raped or endure rape over and over.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 22:51:54 +0000

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