I know this status is long but please take a moment and read it - TopicsExpress


I know this status is long but please take a moment and read it from beginning to end. This is a video all should watch, but few will make it through the first few moments. Every 53 hours a law enforcement officer is killed in the line of duty. That is one every 2 days and 5 hours. There are 8,760 hours in a year, that is approximately 165 law enforcement officers a year. That is 165 families destroyed. 165 fathers or mothers, dead. 165 sons or daughters, dead. And for what? Because someone who committed a crime decided to try to kill law enforcement rather than face justice? Because someone decided to send a text while driving ignoring the lights and siren on the side of the road clipping the officer attempting to do a simple traffic stop? Because someone would rather steal than go to work? Every single day men and women all across this great nation wake up, put on a badge, uniform, and a gun; kiss their spouse and children goodbye (maybe for the last time), and go to work. Each day their goals include protecting their community, making a difference in the world, and keeping the bad guys off the street. There is; however, one goal that they all hold in the highest regard, to go home safe at the end of their shift. The men and women of law enforcement are the ones we call when everything has gone wrong, when we are scared, when we need help. They are the ones running towards the bullets, the ones running towards the car engulfed in flame to try and rescue those inside, the ones who every day put your life above their own. We get mad because we get a speeding ticket, the officer that wrote you that ticket, the one you cussed for not giving you a break, just pulled a dead little girl, the same age as his daughter, and perhaps your own, out of a car that was hit by someone going to fast to stop in time for a red light. The officer just had to listen to a child scream as they wondered why their mommy and daddy werent moving after they were hit by someone texting and driving. The officer has been cussed and chewed out by the last 5 cars she has pulled over today, when all she wants to do is protect everyone else. She just watched her partner get killed when someone wasnt willing to move over or reduce their speed and hit him as he was doing a traffic stop on the side of a highway. The men and women of law enforcement risk their lives every day for you and I. Sadly, 165 of those men and women will give their lives for that same cause this year. Being a police officer takes a special breed of human, one willing to run towards the bullets, screams, and flames. It takes someone who truly wants to help, to truly make a difference. Being a law enforcement officer isnt something that we can always easily understand. Why they do certain things isnt always clear to the average citizen. It isnt always black or white, it is a thin blue line separating us, from them. #police #ThinBlueLine #lawenforcement #USA #moveover
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 12:33:25 +0000

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