I know this will get people mad but the guy talking about race is - TopicsExpress


I know this will get people mad but the guy talking about race is beating a dead horse..I understand where he is going with this but he has to understand it was a mistake made in time....isis is an entirely different category they are and always will be the way they are and no time will ever change that...this white on black stuff has to stop...it is 2014 it is a different time we all know nothing of the true struggle of the past because we have as a majority moved passed it...it is only The few now who wish to bring up the past of our forefathers and rub it in the faces of people who only see a majority of people, a human race working together,,,no color just people...I myself understand and know ignorance comes from all colors and types of people but I acknowledge and welcome the intelligence of anyone who brings it to the the table..I am smarter than to judge someone on color alone...all types of people have been wronged in the past but one is just more recent than others..not saying Im trying to single anyone out but its a fact and it happened right in our own country...it was a true tragedy I understand this but people must move forward and live in the now or we will never get better as a whole...continuously rubbing or talking about this very subject to people who have no knowledge of the past or had no part in it will only continue to anger people and cause them to view you differently..people want to see humanity,people working together not to judge each other on race..I do not and will never judge you on color but I will judge you on your knowledge and will to work towards the future....
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 06:01:32 +0000

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