I know today is a tough day to concentrate and the LAST thing were - TopicsExpress


I know today is a tough day to concentrate and the LAST thing were all wanting to do is think about work, responsibilities, bills, plans etc... so first of all... I hope everyone has a SAFE and EXCITING Halloween tonight!!! That being said, regardless of holidays, unexpected disasters (like the crazy water damage to my home this week)... Life goes on! and... Bills still keep coming right on time! Therefore Business and consistent, disciplined efforts must keep moving forward in order to keep up and/or get ahead!! TODAY is Halloween, but its also the START OF THE 3rd QUARTER AND THE 2 MINUTE DRILL... which will HELP YOU CLIMB that mountain to the next level of goals you set out to reach! I challenge each of you to find a way to plant a seed and weave a conversation about Advocare into your night out. Share a SPARK and most importantly FOLLOW UP! PAY PERIOD CLOSES TUESDAY!! Casual and fun environments like trick or treating and neighborhood block parties are the perfect setting to build relationships, plant seeds and offer an opportunity for everyone you know to enjoy MORE of what these festive holidays bring into our lives... And thats QUALITY TIME, JOYFUL MEMORIES, LAUGHTER, FRIENDSHIP, FAMILY TRADITIONS, ETC ETC. I dont know about you, but I definitely wish I had MORE of that and LESS BURDENS or STRESS keeping me from it. So continue to do the little things each day. I promise you, if truly nurtured... They WILL turn into tremendous blessings! LETS KEEP CLIMBING THE MOUNTAINS TOGETHER! FINISH THIS PAY PERIOD STRONG AND LEAVE EVERYTHING ON THE FIELD!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 20:40:01 +0000

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