I know we all all familiar with that three letter word, MSG. Now, - TopicsExpress


I know we all all familiar with that three letter word, MSG. Now, guess what, its not just in your Chinese Food. Its in just about everything now a days. They get away with not including it on a nutrition label because if it is contained in a listed ingredient, they dont have to list it again. Shame on them. Here are just a handful of common names used to hide MSG in... Ingredients Lists: Gelatin Calcium Caseinate Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP) Textured Protein Monopotassium glutamate Hydrolyzed Plant Protein (HPP) Yeast Extract Sodium Glutamate Glutamate Autolyzed Plant Protein Yeast Food Yeast Nutrient Glutamic Acid Sodium Caseinate Autolyzed Yeast Vegetable Protein Extract Soy Protein Hydrolyzed Corn Gluten Natural Flavor * Artificial Flavor Spice * Now, heres the good news from the doc. There is an effective, all-natural antidote for MSG poisoning called taurine. It is an amino acid that is naturally produced by the human body. Also known as L-taurine, it is found in proteins, and it is added to many energy drinks, due to its stimulating effect. Taurine supplement capsules can be found in health food stores, and they should be kept ready for MSG or heart emergencies. It effectively neutralizes MSG and it helps to regulate the pulse. The earlier that it is taken during a time of exposure to MSG, the better that it works to neutralize the MSG. If at all possible, it is best to take taurine just before MSG consumption, but please note that I would never recommend the consumption of MSG, even when there is taurine available to neutralize it. Conversely, MSG neutralizes the taurine already present in the body, which is largely its method of causing heart attacks. Monosodium glutamate is in a special class of chemicals known as excitotoxins. These chemicals cross the blood brain barrier to over stimulate the neurons of the brain. It has the effect of destroying some neurons permanently, causing a variety of mental issues, including a permanent loss of intelligence. MSG poisoning will lower a persons intelligence faster than lead exposure, in addition to causing its better known mental and physical effects. This toxin is especially dangerous when combined with magnesium deficiencies, which are common in the West. MSG and magnesium deficiency is a deadly combination that can lead to sudden heart failure, and this combination is the primary reason why so many high-school athletes in the United States have mysterious heart failures. MSG is also sprayed directly upon crops, because it is a highly effective insecticide. Nevertheless, the F.D.A. has blessed its usage inside U.S. foods for decades. So, be that as it may, if you think you fall into this category, bring in a quality L-taurine and magnesium supplement into your diets. I would also like to note that vegetarians fall into this category as well. It all comes down to fighting for a specific receptor. taurine and mono-sodium glutamate compete for the same receptor and so we saturate the receptor with the good guy. ;)
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 21:17:43 +0000

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