I know world cap ended but I have never forgotten Brazil and - TopicsExpress


I know world cap ended but I have never forgotten Brazil and Germany and these are some of the moral lessons I learn t. You can all agree with me that there are some things that are worse than shame, but when somebody prayed against embarrassment, and the embarrassment still comes, the next prayer is not to die. This singular march between Brazil and Germany taught me lots of Lifes lessons that I wont forget and will even pass it on to my children. While the match was going on, I was ruminating on these lessons, even when the spectators, coaches and panel of judges were analyzing the match, I was busy thinking of these lifes lessons. 1: Overconfidence Doesnt Breed Anything Meaningful When Netherlands showed Spain an upgraded version of Tiki-taka by beating them 5:1, after the match, a journalist met Adriano and asked him what he thought about the Holland and Spain match. He said even if Brazil play with crutches, that no team can beat them like that. Well, Brazil actually did not play with crutches against Germany and they still lost with a higher margin. Sometimes, even though what we think we know is just an iceberg from what others know. Let us behave as if we didnt know anything in order to learn more, let us behave as fools so that we can learn more wisdom. Overconfidence has destroyed many peoples lives. Lesson 2: With Talent, Determination And Divine Directions, You Can Succeed Irrespective Of the Environment Germany did not allow the stadium to intimidate them, they didnt allow history to hinder their aspiration and they didnt allow the people to suppress them. With their God-given and self- enhanced talents, they were determined to reach the finals and with divine direction they achieved it. This attitude plays a major role in our lives, some of us believe that some achievements are meant for only the indigenes of where we reside, while some believe they cant just succeed because they dont know people in the seat of power. Brothers and sisters, once you know your talent and you have resolved to make it in your mind, with divine direction from above, you can achieve your set- goals irrespective of the country, state, city or town you find yourself in. Joseph made it in a foreign land with his talents and Gods directions, Daniel succeeded in a foreign land with his talents and Gods directions, Obama made it in a foreign land with his intelligence, audacity and Gods direction. Lots of samples abound. Lesson 3: Over-Reliance On Human Wisdom Is Disastrous Most of us rely on fellow humans than God, most church members rely on their pastors than God, most people rely on leaders thanbGod and so on. Before the commencement of the World Cup itself, most Brazilians believed Neymar alone could win the world cup for them, some people even believe he is the messiah to deliver the world to them through soccer, the coaches believe he is the saviour needed to deliver the cup to them. Even he himself , he believes he has what it takes to bring the cup to his beloved country. Now this is where God passes all of us, this is where Gods thoughts supersede all our own. Just look at the way God uses the foolishness of man to embarrass him successfully. Brothers and sisters, dont EVER put all your faith on a man, dont ever rely on any one born of a woman, be it a boyfriend, girlfriend, husbands, wife, brother, sister, cousin, niece, uncle etc. Look up unto God always, the same ONE who is the Author and Finisher of our faith. Lesson 4: Success Is Not Genetic Most people believe that their parents successes can be inherited by them, its not possible. We are all distinct in life. Brothers and sisters, your father may be a Billionnaire, your mother may be a millionaire, you might even be their only child, well, if you dont carve a niche for yourself by creating your own wealth, I mean if you rely on the sweat of your parent alone for survival, then prepare for trouble in future. Stories abound of children of wealthy men that could not survive after the deaths of their parents. Work harder than your parents in order to increase the wealth of your family. Lesson 5: Pride Goes Before A Fall Since its inception in 1930, most Brazilians see other countries as weaker vessels in the game of soccer, they pride themselves as the originator and inventor of this beautiful game. Most Brazilians and the players were not even looking at Germanys strength in this semi-final match, they were looking at who they will meet in the final. Even before the commencement of the tournament, Scolari said he will prefer to meet Argentina in the final, Hulk said he will fancy Spain in the final, Neymar said not winning the world cup would be considered a failure, Fred said he cant wait to lift the trophy and dedicate his medal to his daughter. They talked and boasted as if other 31 countries participating were playing with stones. If you have this same sentiment about yourself and believe others are not in your class, realize that you are just living by grace. Elijah made the same mistake when he saw himself as the most righteous man in Israel, God told him to keep quiet, that He has more than 450 prophets in Israel alone that have never bowed to baar. So whatever qualities you think you have, God has more than a million replacements for you. Thread with caution and eradicate your pride, it wont take you anywhere unless the city of embarrassment. Ladies and Gentlemen, you can add the lessons you learnt from this wonderful match. Though we might see it as a mere soccer game, it goes beyond it, there are moral lessons to learn from sports.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 08:15:32 +0000

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