I know you all keep seeing me posting about the Improving Birth - TopicsExpress


I know you all keep seeing me posting about the Improving Birth Rally, but many still dont understand the need for their to be one. Let me explain. We have been scarily ingrained with one thought when it comes to birth: that our bodies are broken and are in dire need of interventions. Doctors play on this fear to make sure we are subservient to them and their wishes and time schedules by using phrases such as failed induction and failure to progress. Let me just say, the ONLY thing that has failed is the maternity care in the US. Guys, this stuff STILL HAPPENS. Its NOT a thing of the past. Its not just something we can sweep under the rug. Its not something that just happened to a friend of a friend of a friend of your great aunts uncles nephew twice removed and therefore has no bearing on you whatsoever. Episiotomies still happen. Forceps are still in use. The c-section rate is 33% (33% GUYS!!!!). Forced inductions still occur. And the absolute shaming of women during labor still happens. THIS is why the Improving Birth rally occurs every year. THIS is why we work so so hard day in and day out to make changes in the US Maternity care system. So maybe when Little Minion has a child of her own, many many years down the line (like... fifty...) she wont have to worry about being forced into a c-section. She wont have to worry about someone violating her while shes in labor. She wont have to worry about anything other than what colors to paint the nursery. Thats my dream guys. I want a better maternity system, a SAFER and more RESPECTFUL maternity system. For her sake. And for the sakes of all of our daughters. Lets make it happin. Ill see you at the Rally!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 15:00:00 +0000

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