I know you have all been trying your best to support my efforts, - TopicsExpress


I know you have all been trying your best to support my efforts, and I appreciate that very much, always lots of encouragement and suggestions. But I have reached a point, where I must reconsider my efforts. I have gone through all my twitter stats and FB etc., and the results are almost nonexistent compared to the energy and time used. I spend more than 10 hours a day on this. Here are the facts: Time used: 360+ hours 500+ posts, likes and comments on Facebook, at least. Tweets sent [6.500+ from TFKortholm & TFKglobal 1270 from Julias]: 7770+ tweets sent 17189 views 3565 RTs Dropping the last week even though we tweet more, and many block us from Retweeting their tweets, even though we clearly follow each other fro same purpose. Here are the results of that effort: 26 Likes and 20 Follows GermanStarGazer +5 likes on Facebook +2 Follow on Twitter Ned Branchi + 8 likes on Facebook +3 Follow on Twitter That Noise +10 likes on Facebook +14 Follow on Twitter Andi Star [Post reach 300 people] +3 likes 1 follow. My personal stats are still negative, since I lost my Disclosure page and 158 likes. The only positive response I know of on Facebook, from the office of Rep. ORourke, was lost with the page. Of 30+ mails to radio and press, all but one have been negative. 20 rejected out right, one perhaps [and 4 or 5 said theyd see what was happening on the web, but all they could find were 2000+ videos and music players with 2 likes and a one follow. After 30 days. That is not a storm. That is not even a drop. I will spend some time thinking, finish subbing video for a blog update, and configure widgets and banners for this. For a campaign based on e-mails and Press Kits from ReverbNation, rather than Facebook & Twitter, where it looks like the campaign had no effect or support from The Disclosure Lobby, besides the uncountable likes and positive comments on our posts. I will have to remove a lot of my posts/pics/videos, because I can see from the feedback, theyre not being used for this, and I have been giving away, 8 years of hard earned experience, for free in those pics and videos, and my integrity as well, by failing so miserably at calculating the support. 0.3 to 1% of the lobby around 5000 members from start, means 15 - 50 people liking and following four artists on Facebook & Twitter 120 - 400 likes and follows in all, in 30 days. 15 - 50 people is what you see in the top feed of the profiles at max, had they all been easy to recognize #Disclosure supporters, the artist would feel good, and anyone checking would notice we were right and organized. We got 46 in all, 0.114%, [0.0193% reach counting views and Retweets] far from minimum needed to even maintain the reach gained the first week. I had no plan B, I was sure that 30 days into the campaign, it would show up pretty clearly, that people were rallying behind this effort, and the artists brave enough to step forward initially. I was apparently wrong. Now I am kind of stuck, and I dont feel I can continue this approach, because I doubt we will ever reach the 1% support needed for this to work. So I will have to redesign the whole approach, away from twitter and facebook, where it is now so obvious, I was not able to organize support. As I said to Sai in a PM, if 1% of the likes and comments weve had on our posts, had gone to the artists and to follows etc. we have been asking for. 75% [270 hours] of the work I had to do myself, would have been done automatically. I am leaving the event open for now, but will close it if I decide to leave twitter completely, if there is no hope of using it for anything, but clogging up the senators inbox, and 1000s of post failing to get anyones attention. I promised some of you, that I would answer requests/contacts to several more artists, painters etc., that you want us to promote in #Artists for #Disclosure. I now must decline these requests, because they could only be used as described, and that has failed so far. So, I am gonna clean up my posts to avoid any trouble they could cause, if used in a manner not intended [Troll & Spam ect]. Then I will have to decide, if we drop twitter and FB and go strictly e-mail, or drop it altogether. If this cant be done in 30 days, then there is less time now, to try another round of radios and media before Jan 1st. Ill let u know soon what we will do. Kind regards Thomas
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 01:29:33 +0000

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