I know you think the lifestyle that youre living is all fun & - TopicsExpress


I know you think the lifestyle that youre living is all fun & games. The partying, drinking, fornicating, acting a fool with your friends/family, doing your own thing. I know what its like, I been there! This world may offer a good time, but what about when things go wrong? When your life starts to become a mess & fall apart? Then what? Can this world also fix that? Itd keep telling you, Just go out & have a fun! Drink it up & forget about it! Find someone else to make you feel better! & it may make you happy for that moment, but what about when youre back at home laying in bed alone, when the tipsy feeling & high starts to fade & them thoughts start to flood back in & the pain starts to creep back in. Then what? This world cant fix your life when it becomes a mess. It cant fix your life when you have become depressed or have hit rock bottom. Itll only give you pleasure for the moment & then youre back at square one. The only One who is able to set you free from it all is Jesus. Only He can fill that empty void inside that youve been searching & trying to fill with everything else but Him. Only HE can restore & heal a broken heart/soul! This world may give you happiness for the moment but only Jesus can give eternal joy! So stop searching so hard in this world to find what only Jesus can give! Seek HIM instead! Everything you need is found in Him! Im telling you, youd wish you did this along time ago! I dont regret giving it all up for Jesus. When you come to know Him, you will see that there is absolutely NOTHING in this world worth holding onto! I have found satisfaction! I have found someone that makes me whole! I have found that true love that I couldnt find in this world or in no man! & there is no one on this earth who can measure up to Him! There Is no one who can take the please of my Jesus!♡ So next time when things dont work out your way, try Gods way! Because this world will never be enough! You will always be searching & searching. But when you have Jesus, you have all that you need! Because only He can fully satisfy & make you feel whole!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 18:11:09 +0000

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