I lack the information to write my own letter regarding my - TopicsExpress


I lack the information to write my own letter regarding my objections to your Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area Management Plan. I thus wish to say that I have read the letter below and and would beseech you to keep an open mind. Please remember that the human species is just one more species on this wonderful planet. The fact that there is unacceptable poverty and injustice in this world is totally disgusting and beyond comprehension. I denounce the amount of funds being used to fuel war, conflict and confrontation as well as the voice of mainstream media which manipulates and lies to the public. The existence of a 1% super rich is unacceptable, unfair and will only lead to more conflict, confrontation and eventually violence as the rest of try to survive and the desperately poor lose complete hope. I would urge all those with a net worth of more than $1,000,000US to donate 1% to a poverty eradication trust fund to be managed and adminstered by the UN. This would solve much of the problems conveniently labelled terrorism . It would give a chance for people to breathe and try to make something of their lives. Please use your power and authority to do whatever you can for the cause. Thank you. Paulette Lachance, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Regarding your World Heritage Area Management Plan: The Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area is one of the last truly wild regions on Earth. Besides its wild and scenic beauty, it is habitat for some of the world’s rarest plants and animals. Of all the World Heritage areas on Earth, only Tasmania’s includes wilderness in its title in unique recognition of the regions remote and pristine wildness. Wilderness is arguably the world’s fastest disappearing natural resource. Tasmania’s wilderness is the envy of the world. It not only drives the state’s thriving tourism industry but is pivotal to Tasmania’s globally recognised brand. By removing the protection of this wilderness asset, the proposed 2014 World Heritage Area Management Plan opens the heart of the World Heritage Wilderness to logging, private lodges and landing strips for aircraft. These industries and developments will degrade the very wilderness that brings people to Tasmania from around the world - and take from Tasmanians a special asset which is a source of great local pride and self-presentation. To protect the unique values of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA): * The Wilderness Zone should be reinstated as in the existing Management Plan: prohibiting new tourist accommodation and aircraft landings in the most remote parts of the TWWHA. * Logging and extraction of specialty timbers should be prohibited, as before. * Plans to allow 16 new landing sites for aircraft should be dropped. * Maintaining, protecting and enhancing wilderness should remain a priority in the 2014 TWWHA Management Plan. * The Regional Reserves, Conservation Areas, Future Potential Production Forests and Permanent Timber Production Zones within the TWWHA should be upgraded to National Park status to guarantee their protection from logging and mining. * If proven that tourism infrastructure is required in the TWWHA, it should be publicly owned, sensitive and appropriate, and kept within the existing visitor zones. As in the current management plan, private tourism proponents are free to identify alternatives from the many and excellent options outside the TWWHA. I urge both the Tasmanian and federal governments to ensure that wilderness remains an integral part of the management of Tasmanias world-renowned Wilderness World Heritage Area. Yours sincerely, Paulette Lachance
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 00:13:40 +0000

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