I learn with indignation, Citizen - General, that you refuse to - TopicsExpress


I learn with indignation, Citizen - General, that you refuse to receive the squadron of the French army which I command, under the pretext that you have no order from the Governor - General. ..I avow it will distress me to have to count you among the rebels. I warn you that if today you have not delivered all the batteries of the coast, tomorrow at daybreak 15,000 men will be disembarked. .. I hold you responsible. General of the Army of Saint Domingue and Captain - General of the Colony. LECLERC. Christophe replied: I have dispatched one of my aides to Governor LOuverture to inform him of your arrival. Until his reply reaches me I cannot permit you to disembark. If you have the force with which you threaten me, I shall offer you all the resistance which characterizes a general. If the chance of war favors you will only enter the city of the Cap when it has been reduced to ashes, and even upon the ashes still Will I fight you... As to the troops which you say you will disembark, I look upon them as so many cards which the least wind will blow down. .. As to the loss of your esteem, General, I assure you I do not want it at the price you put upon it, if it must cause me to act contrary to my duty. I have the honor: H. CHRISTOPHE This exchange was between Leclerc and Christophe when the French fleet arrived in the sea off Cap Francois in February 4,1802. From the book: Black Majesty the Life of Christophe King of Haiti By John W. Vandercook and Mahlon Blaine
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 23:51:54 +0000

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