I learned a long time ago that were in holy war. This is all out - TopicsExpress


I learned a long time ago that were in holy war. This is all out spiritual, not just economic, but spiritual warfare- in which the enemy is not just the obvious stranger and disrespector to the community. The enemy is now also inside of us. The part of me that hates myself is a threat to you because in you I see me. And If Im expendable to myself, youre equally as expendable to me. So if youre about this fight like you say you are, know we need you on ALL fronts- not just the ones most popular or most convenient. We need you on the ground, befriending the community you fight for. Form relationships with those you advocate for. Then youll soon see the meaning behind your own words. The gray you conveniently refuse to see. Its all here. Not everyone at a protest really knows or is down with the community, im seeing this gradually. But sure talk a good game #politician. Ive worked with some of the most down, committed people I know, whod see the Truth everyday. But you seem to know it all, so Ill let you tell it. Big ups to my Teachers, La Tanya Lashley, Steve Blanco, Anthony Paulk, Meet Da Joneses, Summer Bey, Emani Davis, Trayon WardEight White, Q-Cuts Brown, Hassan Abdul-Nasir, Lloyd Cornish, Heron Gibran, Angel Anderson, Marcia Williams, Samantha Simpore Crandal, and many, many others. For everyone whos ever been down on the front line fighting the war inside of us. Brothers, sisters, mentors, caseworkers, rehabilitators, teachers, mothers, fathers, I salute yall and thank you. Those who dont know, will soon. For everyone else who think they do, get to know each other cuz youre in for a longer ride than you thought. The question is are you ready for the other side of the war, its not all pretty here... 2nd Annual Herues Award Ceremony 2015. What is internalized oppression- the opposite of externalized oppression. External oppression is the unjust exercise of authority and power by one group over another. It includes imposing one groups belief system, values and life ways over another group. External oppression becomes internalized oppression when we come to believe and act as if the oppressors beliefs system, values, and life way is reality. Self-hate and internalized racism are other ways of saying internalized oppression. The result of internalized oppression is shame and the disowning of our individual and cultural reality. Without internalized oppression, we would not now have previously unseen levels of violence, especially against women and children. Drunkenness, disregard for Life, fighting, robbing each other, disrespect for women were foreign behaviors modeled by the Cavalry, and eventually worked their way into our communities through internalized oppression. Internalized oppression means the oppressor doesnt have to exert any more pressure, because we now do it to ourselves and each other. Divide and conquer works. We resist internalized oppression by relearning how to live respectfully and harmoniously together -- WITHOUT VIOLENCE. That is not just done via economics, its done by reawakening love. Internalized Oppression is the process by which a member of an oppressed group comes to accept and live out the inaccurate myths and stereotypes applied to the group.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 23:05:15 +0000

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