I left Nugget City this morning. It had once again snowed all - TopicsExpress


I left Nugget City this morning. It had once again snowed all night and the road a mess. Half way through my day it began to blizzard with a colourless forest and a dark brooding sky. Traffic was surprisingly heavy splashing me with a near never ending barrage of slushy snow. Sometimes I just got wet and other times I was peppered with a galaxy of ice pellets. These days are tough and draining. This is the worst weather for me. At +5 to -5 its difficult to stay dry. In order to finish the hike I have to get in so many kms a day. This means I have to hike hard. Now I know I shouldnt sweat so I layer up or down as needed. However at this temp with a wet heavy snow hovering around 0C I sweat with my rain jacket on even without a shirt underneath. So I opted just to allow my Columbia poly long sleeve to just get wet as it still kept me warm. Besides I didnt sweat with the long sleeve but did with the rain jacket and I couldnt afford to loose water as there are few streams and only a few frozen ponds. I always carry a few changes of dry cloths. One set for bed, one for the next day. I wanted to make 40km today but decided to call it after 25 as the roads were bad and I had already almost witnessed a few near ditch runs. My ego has no place here, its better to arrive late and alive. Besides I have to consider the bad weather conditions and the traffic. Someone, already nervous driving in this weather coming around a corner, seeing me could panic and it wouldnt take much for them to lose control. As Im making this decision a truck loaded with wood stops. Three guys get out and tell me they just saved my life. Confused I ask how. They point at the top of the pile. There strapped on is a dead Wolf. Im told they shot it around the next corner. I had heard the shot but didnt think much of it as it is hunting season. I take a few pics as they tell me they were out Caribou hunting bit hadnt seen anything. So then they decided to cut firewood to sell for a few bucks to help pay for the trip. It was on their way off a side road when they had seen the Wolf and taken its life. I had already considered hitchhiking back to Nugget City for another warm night and return tomorrow to the same spot. However upon inspection of their truck there was no room for me and my stuff. They drive off and I stand there trying to get a ride back. At least 5 vehicles had stopped to offer me a ride as I walked but as soon as I stuck out my thumb no way. It took an hour before a car stopped with Alaska plates. With some effort to tore apart my gear, somehow fitting it all in to his already half full back seat. Now Im back in Nugget City but this time they put me up in the deluxe Jacuzzi room as all the others were full. Hey in seven years of walking Ill take all the comforts I can get LOL! Now Im relaxed, warm, full and if you excuse me Ive got to waterproof boots. :)
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 03:58:21 +0000

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