I let go and surrender to the evolutionary expression from the - TopicsExpress


I let go and surrender to the evolutionary expression from the outer walk to the inner journey in this new year. --- Rev. Christian Sorenson To know the source of life, to know the divine, you have to be life and nothing else but life. But right now you are a man, woman, mind, thought, idea, philosophy, belief system, maybe you are just a slogan, who knows? --- Sadhguru Aloha and Hauole Makahikihou. I invite you to tie these 2 wise sayings together today. The outer walk to the inner journey is simply a desire and commitment to abandon judging by appearances. To rely on your inner Source for your actions, and reactions, to appearances, circumstances, and situations that appear before you. And do you begin your journey? By the wisdom of Sadhguru. You are Spirit, an individualized expression of God, The Infinite experiencing Life As a limitation, a division, a separation of That which cannot be limited, divided, or separated. Today we stop attempting to bring God down to our limits, and ask to open up to the Infinite within.... We begin to cease our identification with anything other than The Divine Nature within ourselves. The Christ that IS, is always Infinitely MORE than our greatest, grandest dreams and desires. We are the vehicle for God to Behold Itself. To express Infinite Love where It IS perceived not. We are not, We have never been, here to receive or be rewarded for our Divine Nature. It has NEVER, EVER, been withheld. We have chosen not to accept It. And its not your enemies, circumstances, or lack that can possibly keep God at bay. It is our identity, our perceptions, our attachment and belief of that which cannot, is not of God that keeps US from God, for in Truth, There IS no spot where God IS not. We begin today with time. Time is a division, a separation, a limitation of our perceptions. What is time in Eternity? God can Be multiplied, yet God IS never divided. God IS, is beyond time. Behold, I make all things new. The only way all things arent new is our attachment, our persistent belief in time. Our past fears, doubts, pain and judgements. All the stuff we encounter on our outer walk, the world of appearances. Our inner journey is releasing those judgements as they appear..... And ALL that appears before you is the manifestation of your judgement. It IS done unto you AS you believe. It is not God withholding your good. Nor anyone or anything else but your belief that It IS missing. New Years is an important holiday in this world. Every culture and religion celebrates its passing, not on the same day or same way, but it is celebrated by all. I honor and acknowledge that. Joy IS Divinity expressed. But our journey requires us to perceive beyond the limitation of time, to Eternity, where our True Identity Abides. The space where Grace IS always taking place. Where Unconditional Love is trying to express through you. Beyond limits. Beyond time. Beyond every and any identity you limit yourself to. To Be in this world, but not of it. To accept The outer walk IS a reflection of The inner journey. Our aim this year is to make the two, the walk and journey, one. By listening TO God, instead of talking to God. By not asking God FOR anything, but accepting that all God has, all that God IS, IS already mine. To Behold All IS of God, and Love All as God does, Unconditionally. Our only blame shall be on our own limitations. Our gratitude is centered upon each appearance before us is either Beholding God, or discovering, releasing, OUR limits on Infinity. If Gods Presence isnt fully present before you, its nobodys fault, nothings fault, but our ability to accept it. So Happy New Year. Forget the new you. No matter how sweet and dear our intentions and resolutions are, they are made by, and for, the world were in, but not of. I accept the old you. The True you. The you that was never born, and will never die. The changeless You. The Christ of You. For as Jesus subtly taught by his actions, if not his recorded words. The only way Christ IS expressed, can possibly be expressed IS by seeing, perceiving, believing, loving and beholding The Christ in everyone and everything. With this breath, lets begin the journey that never ended, yet, in Truth, in Eternity, never began. Its All God. Its All Good. In loving gratitude. I Am Beholding. The All Good of God. I Am releasing my Soul from the bondage of limitations I have placed upon Thee. With every breath forevermore. I know this IS so. I allow IT to Be. Life flows through me now. In gratitude, I Behold all that appears before me. Is God moving through me. For my Soul is free. I BE nothing but I AM. Amen
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 21:49:47 +0000

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