I, like my brother, Steve have been thinking about how to eulogize - TopicsExpress


I, like my brother, Steve have been thinking about how to eulogize Mike for several months now. It’s a blessing to have time to prepare and make those last memories, but it doesn’t make the final good-bye here on earth any easier. Once Mike got married, his two main goals in life were to be the best father and husband he could be. I don’t think his boys could have asked for a better role model in their life. Mike’s dedication to his faith, family and work were, in my estimation, unmatched. He fought until the very end for his family even though he personally would have been happy going to meet his Heavenly Father much sooner. I wasn’t with Mike when he took his last breath, but I was able to spend time with him saying good bye and reliving good memories as we put together the video of his life for the visitation last night. I’m thankful I was given that opportunity. While Mike was fighting for his last breath on Monday, I was on a plane coming back from CA. I don’t believe it was just coincidence that I was finishing reading the book 90 Minutes in Heaven around 4pm on Monday afternoon which was about the time he passed. I’ve always believed in Heaven, but this book helped me understand Mike’s fight here on earth for the past two years, not just his physical fight, but his emotional and spiritual fight as well. It also gave me peace that God’s plan is perfect. Mike was given this battle as a platform to show people God’s grace and hope in a future with a peace that passes all understanding. Mike is in Heaven and there’s no way he would want to come back to this earth even if he had the opportunity. He’s with all of our relatives who went before him, happily praising his Maker. Mike’s quick wit and ability to calm any situation will certainly be missed. He never felt the need for drama and was able to use his quick discernment, sense of humor, and humble personality to easily diffuse any situation. I’m sure this is what helped make him not only a great brother and son, but also a great police officer, husband and father. If I had to pick one passage from the Bible that Mike lived and died by, it would be Matthew 5:38-40. “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.” I don’t know how Mike did it with everything he had gone through, but he was an example of this up until his final breath here on earth. I close by saying thank you to so many who have supported our family during this time. I won’t list names as there are far too many, and I don’t want to miss anyone. I do however want to thank my parents who raised a great son and were loving, understanding caretakers during his greatest times of need, especially this past six months. You never know how strong your family is until you go through something like this. I also want to thank you, Travis. I don’t know any 13 year old boy who could look after a parent the way you looked after Mike. You have so much of your dad in you with your strong faith in God, your moral compass, your love of music and your compassionate heart. Andrew, thank you to you as well for being a strong young man who also has so many of your dad’s qualities. You have his quick wit and knack for practical jokes, his love of books and his quiet demeanor. You both have a great foundation to grow into strong, Christian young men. Your Grandpa and Grandma, Uncle Steve and I all look forward to watching you and supporting you in everything you do. You are the next generation of your dad and have the honor of carrying on his legacy. Thank you everyone for coming and being part of this day to honor our brother, Mike Baird.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 00:01:36 +0000

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