I like the following statement I recently came across made by - TopicsExpress


I like the following statement I recently came across made by Francois Du Toit : He wrote: We have discovered and mastered the technology of transmission and reception. The airwaves are bursting with information, around the clock. It all remains invisible and inaudible until a receiver is tuned to a specific frequency. The ear is designed to hear the voice of our Maker. Whosoever has an ear to hear let him hear. Gods eternal voice has found an expression in the incarnation to be know and read by all men. Proverbially speaking, I want to hitchhike on the comment by Francious Du Toit, and drive a thought I have about it just a bit further down the road. What I want to emphasize is that Jesus said, My sheep hear my voice (John 10:27). Consequently, if as Christians, we are not hearing the voice of the Lord, it might be because we are tuned into the wrong frequency! Perhaps we are tuned into the world’s communication wavelengths - primarily tuned into what the world is saying or speaking about and that is all that we are picking up – that is all that we are capable of hearing. Could it be that we are tuned into the frequency that the flesh broadcasts on and as a result we are only hearing what the flesh is saying – which is “satisfy, please, fulfill, and gratify me!” Worse yet, perhaps we have turned into Satan’s frequency, which communicates all things pertaining to that which kills, steals, and destroys. Getting to the point here - the pressing question now becomes - What frequency are you tuned into? You will know which frequency you are tuned into by the message you are hearing! Are you tuned into the frequency of the world, the flesh, or that of the Kingdom of Darkness? Or are you tuned into the frequency that the God, His Christ, and His Spirit communicate on – the wavelength that speaks of life and life more abundantly. The frequency that carries the message of faith, hope, love, peace, joy, deliverance, healing and all things that pertains to life and godliness in this realm and speaks of the eternal life to come, which is received by faith in Christ. Summarily, the reason I posted this is precisely because it relates to what someone asked me just the other day. I was asked, “how do you know if you are hearing the voice of the Lord or not? My answer was this: you will know by the message you are hearing and whether or not it leads you to follow Jesus. Why that answer - because Jesus said his sheep hear his voice and as a direct result, they follow Him...John 10:27. If what you are hearing is not leading you to follow Christ, then my friends, you are tuned into the wrong frequency! The problem is never that God is not speaking to us - the problem is that we are not tuned into his frequency! So, my prophetic word for you and the body of Christ today is that Gods Holy Spirit is fine tuning your frequency reception! The Holy Ghost is tuning your spiritual ears so finely, so accurately, so precisely that you will hear the voice of your Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ and out of the strength and power of that broadcast signal you will follow Him! The voice of another, you will not follow, because you are not tuned into that erroneous, false, deceptive, lying, death-inducing frequency any longer - in the name of Jesus! Now, go get about your Fathers business!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:03:37 +0000

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