I like this description the most - from Enlightened Feelings - TopicsExpress


I like this description the most - from Enlightened Feelings Medical science is evolving rapidly. A new branch of study and research known as mind-body medicine or energy psychology, is currently an area of intense study at respected research institutes such as Harvard University, Stanford University, Princeton University, and NASA. Also being studied is psycho-neuro-immunology, the study of how emotions affect the immune system The relationship between mind and body as it pertains to health was first discovered and studied in Russia more than 30 years ago. Russian scientists discovered the important role of neuro-peptides and, in doing so, proved that your mind and, in particular, your emotions, cause your state of health and well-being Emotions create electrical impulses that travel instantly along your neural pathways, triggering the release of chemical proteins called neuro-peptides. You have more than a thousand different neuro-peptides. They are the catalysts for every physiological function in your body For example, anger or fear triggers the release of adrenalin and cortisol. Your palms sweat, heart rate and breathing accelerates, muscles tense, and blood vessels dilate. Recent scientific discoveries show that depression actually causes heart disease. In depressed people the blood platelets become more sticky, clogging arteries and veins. Learn more about the mind-body connection ... The Russians discovered that when you affect the systems that control the release of neuro-peptides, you affect the overall state of health and sense of being. In other words, if you can bring a person into emotional balance by releasing beneficial neuro-peptides such as endorphins, you can improve their overall health and sense of well-being Read about the research that proves frequencies, thoughts and words can re-program your DNA But, how can we do this? In order for your body to recognize which neuro-peptide to release, every emotion has to have its own individual frequency or vibration. Scientists have now measured and identified the specific frequency of each emotion For example, negative emotions such as anger and fear resonate in the lower frequency range, while positive emotions such as gratitude and love resonate at higher frequencies. Unconditional love resonates at the highest wavelength If you change a frequency, its characteristics have to change. For example, if you raise the frequency of anger, it can no longer exhibit the characteristics of anger. It takes on the characteristics of another emotion, a more positive feeling. So, by introducing specific higher frequencies, you can, therefore, effectively nullify or balance negative emotions Everything is energy and thats all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. There is no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics. Albert Einstein If you feel like this resonates with you and you want to feel what it feels like - P.M. me.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 02:32:27 +0000

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