I like to sit back and reflect about what Ive learned and this is - TopicsExpress


I like to sit back and reflect about what Ive learned and this is what has hit my square on lately: 1. Some people are just chronic whiners. No matter how upbeat you try to be or how easy you try to make things, they will find a way to make things difficult and be a downer. They make mountains out of mole hills! UGH! That must be a depressing life! They can try to be that way around me, but they cant steal my joy. Its not theirs to steal! =) 2. Even when a situation seems upsetting or sad, never doubt that God will see you through and do not forget all of the blessings he gave you up to that point.. Let Him handle it! Again, dont let anything steal your joy. Give thanks even in the tough times. 3. I have a hard time with people who are continually passive aggressive. You are not proving any point, you are actually making yourself look immature. I am learning to look past it! 4. I love my life. I love the ups, the downs, the tough stuff, the good stuff. 5. I love my husband (I love you, Roger) and how supportive he is of what I feel so strongly called to do. He knows how much it means to me and how I know I am doing what God has called me to do. Its a sacrifice on his end at times with stepping in to take care of things while I am doing what I need to for this awesome volunteer gig. He is a trooper! He works hard for his family! (And no, I didnt just learn this! But its worth saying all the time) 6. I am proud of my kids. They are both focused on good things and growing in to amazing people. Even when they are challenging, as most teenagers are, I love them to pieces. 7. It changes your heart when someone tells you that you are like the mom they wish their mom had been. and that they know God sent you to show them that kind of Mothers Love that holds them accountable, yet loves them and encourages them to be a good person and live a new life. Its not about being related by blood - its about being related through Christ and loving others the way He wants you to. 8. There isnt much that is more moving than a tattooed up, former gang member who has lived a pretty...........oh, lets say rough............life who is sitting in front of you crying his eyes out, literally sobbing like a child, wanting to get this new life right and seeking peace and strength in prayer in the midst of his turmoil. Thats the good stuff right there, friends. 9. It is disappointing to see people who claimed to be all about something new and better in life, start to walk down an old path. It stings a little, because that narrow road leads to destruction -and they know it and you know it, and can do nothing but sit back and watch them self destruct. They just dont want something better bad enough to walk away from the other stuff and fill their time with good things. I CANNOT fix them or save them. But I will stand in the gap and pray for them. Thats alot, I know. I think there are times when we learn alot of things at once. I am thankful for all of it! I am blessed beyond measure!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 16:24:02 +0000

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