I like to think the people on my friends list are like-minded in - TopicsExpress


I like to think the people on my friends list are like-minded in some ways so I come to you with a favor, cuz if you are like me or even just a tad tender hearted, then you want to help people who truly need it right? Well I hope you all come together & help me. I know of a family in need. They have 8 children & are now struggling due the father who has a rare form of cancer, which has also plagued 4 of the boys. It breaks my heart! They are in so much pain. Please, do NOT judge them! I wont stand for it. It could happen to anyone & I am certain no one planned to have to have to care for so many children while fighting to stay alive, with such a devastating disease. It could destroy anyone, be it a family of 3 or a family of 15! So put yourselves in their shoes & try to imagine how hard life must be for them on a daily basis. Puts things in our own lives into perspective huh? Ok, so here is what I ask: if you have ANY spare food, clothes, toys, shoes, bedding sets etc...would you please consider donating? I assure you it will be much appreciated! Z & I are going to visit this family tomorrow. So if you have anything please pm to make arrangements. Im working on getting sizes but with 8 kids I am sure its a wide variety of sizes, so Im sure they will grow into whatever is donated. Lets come together as a community & give this family some hope! I am going to be going through my home today & I ask you to do the same. I have faith in you that you will not let me down, cuz like I said, I choose my circle of friends wisely these days & I know I am surrounded by good people. Lets do this! Thank you in advance!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 19:00:12 +0000

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