I liked my hubbys status so here goes my 8 random facts... 1. My - TopicsExpress


I liked my hubbys status so here goes my 8 random facts... 1. My mother defied tradition when she named me Kathleen Moira. All firstborn girls in her family had a double name beginning with Mary. 2. When I was 14 years old I danced with the Charleston Ballet Theatre for a summer. It was my first experience living without my parents but I lived with 7 other girls. 3. I gave birth to my first child Emma at age 18 absolutely naturally!!! It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life:) 4. I dislocated my right shoulder tripping on a dog & hitting a door jam just right. 5. I cannot handle boogers. The sight of them makes me throw up. 6. I make up silly songs & sing them to my dog & kids all the time. Often they have a message or are about something I observe. Right now I sing a lot about responsibility, dependability, & accountability. 7. I still cannot believe sometimes that I am married to Dorman Miner. All those times we passed in the hall & in life & now he has my heart;) 8. I have survived some very scary situations, some I werent sure that I would come out of alive. At times the memories are hard to forget, at most times they make me incredibly grateful for the life I have now. Like my status & I will give you a number:)
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 20:16:11 +0000

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