I liked something and signed up for a profile game, so Ill play - TopicsExpress


I liked something and signed up for a profile game, so Ill play along. Thanks, Stephanie Hurst. When you give me a number, remember Im a writer. Im not responsible for how many pages this takes up when Im done. :) My number is apparently 9: 1. Ive decided I must be schizophrenic, because Im a major home-body but love to get out and explore and see as many things and places as I can see. But I love being home. And I love going out. Yep, must be schizophrenia. 2. I love my family - mine, his, ours, family by blood and by choice, however they came into my life - more than I love life itself. I hope it shows in the many ways I love them and fight for them every day. 3. I talk to my dogs like theyre human kids. I love and enjoy them like theyre human kids. Dennis says I use WAY too many words to communicate with them, so I guess their raised ears and cocked heads must mean...Mom, WTH are you talking about now??? 4. I love ANYTHING to do with the outdoors, whether its being out in nature or bringing nature inside. Its hard for me to come home from the woods and waterways without something in my pocket that becomes decoration. 5. I was a little stinker when I was a toddler. Of course, I grew out of it! Yes!! I did. (Sssshhhh) There is video of my grandma and other family members chasing me round and round and round the trampoline trying to get me to get off of it, me laughing and giggling when they couldnt catch me. I also had a pair of white go-go boots that I wore with style, long brown hair all the way down my back, attitude to go with it I suppose. 6. I grew up around ours and my grandparents farm in the middle of Houston. A huge vegetable garden, flower gardens all around the yard, windmills, a gazillion birds, cows, horses, goats, rabbits, barns, hay, old red tractor and a series of pickup trucks my grandpa always had, pecan trees, peach trees, pear and fig trees. Grandma used them all and kept us fed better than most families were fed with several full blown meals every day. It will never be home again. Houston has literally consumed our happy little homestead, but it will always be HOME in my heart and helped form me into who I am today. 7. I live with the love of my life and family I treasure in a beautiful cabin deep in the Maine woods. We live an amazing lifestyle filled with adventure - some I dreamed of, some I never knew existed or was possible for me. I look around me every day and see my childhood dream come true, and it still feels like a dream Im afraid Ill wake up from. Laura Ingalls Wilder, eat your heart out! 8. Im a photographer, and I LOVE my job. It feels funny to even call it a job and charge people for what I do, because I get so much pleasure from it. Seems selfish of me to have my cake and eat it, too! I *still* look at my photos and dont think I can possibly be good enough to take money from people, but people keep paying me and enjoying what I give in return. Ill keep trying to make what I offer better as I learn and grow in my skill. 9. I have a lot to say. I guess thats why I write. Yeah, I know. Sssshhhhh! (Like, and I suppose Ill have to give YOU a number so you can spill your guts, too.)
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 15:47:24 +0000

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