I liked this because this is the visual of what the major agenda - TopicsExpress


I liked this because this is the visual of what the major agenda for our people in this country has always been - hes emasculated by a system through his own poor decision-making skills whether through systemic injustices in areas of economics or education and she having no identity outside her attachment to a man or promises made to her allows herself to be paraded around like Sarah Bartmann. From BlackPlanet (caps mine) - Colonialism took advantage of these unfortunate circumstances and moved in to rob Africa of its DIGNITY. Sarah became one of those who suffered under colonial PREJUDICE, she became the victim of RACISM which embodied the superiority of a people whose culture and norms operated on the basis that WHAT THEY COULD NOT UNDERSTAND, OR COMPREHEND, HAD TO BE INFERIOR SINCE THEY REGARDED THEMSELVES AS THE BETTER RACE. What they believed in had to be better than anyone else`s beliefs. That was COLONIALISM at play. The sole purpose of Sarah`s abductors was to exhibit her in the Piccadilly Circus as an item of interest - basically viewed as a creature to be paraded to the European audiences for JEST AND ENTERTAINMENT. Her captors saw in her a COMMODITY that they could use for MAKING PROFIT from the circus. Rational analysis makes us to doubt if the exact intention for her to be taken to Europe was explained when lured out of her country of birth. All we are told is that she was PROMISED A SHARE OF THE PROFITS, which will be generated through the `wonder` that she was - how sad. A so-called civilised class DEBASED ITSELF to levels of DISGRACE and DISREGARD for human dignity and respect. ABUSE at its highest level. So you see, jest and entertainment runs our culture in this country - and they know it. Cant do nothing without being entertained. People always yelling and calling you out for being too serious because it interrupts their entertainment - no just trying to enlighten to you to something obviously you have no clue is happening. From the whorehouse to the church house and every place inbetween - colonialism is still at-work in America. As long as there is a people whom the majority cannot understand or comprehend the practices handed down from their progenitors will continue and be enforced. Keep sitting at home when it is time to vote and then letting people tell you who to vote for cause thats my friend, hes a brother/sister, thats my cousin or pastor or you fill-in the blank. Make sure they are not the ones being represented by this man and the other guy in this picture - because when you fail to vote and participate in changing what is happening - the young lady represents you and endangers all the rest of us. Drops mic - jumps down from soapbox - IJS
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 15:50:20 +0000

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