I listened to a talk by Dr Yasir Qadiq last night about Karbala, - TopicsExpress


I listened to a talk by Dr Yasir Qadiq last night about Karbala, It was interesting and MashaAllah such contrasting views, all held by one person, Dr Yasir Qadih!! In one hand Imam Hussain AS is the grandson brought up by RasoolAllah S, such a pious, noble, revered and god conscious grandson of the Holly Prophet S. In the other hand Hussain AS is the man that went to Karbala for the lust of this world, for power, authority and rule, refusing to listen to the advice of other Ahlul Bayt at the time regarding the dire and danger of the situations. But behind all of that, in his educated mind we find his attitudes and belief that Yazid LA is guilty of no crime against Imam Hussain AS, had no part to play in any crime against the Ahlul Bayt AD, was saddened by his murder yet he himself wanted nothing to do with this cursed individual... He also avoided in character referencing Yazid LA at any point!... He also failed to mention some of Yazids LA crimes highly relevant to the events of Karbala. Some of the highly important and vile crimes committed by Yazid LA that have significance to the events of Karbala which happened within 3yrs after Karbala are; the imprisonment of the remaining Ahlul Bayt within prisons in damascus, never seeking to bring the perpetrators to justice knowing full well who they were - his own governors! the seige upon Madina where his army murdered many Sahaba and raped several thousand women of Madina, as well as the seige of Makkah where he attacked the Holy Sanctuary of the Kaaba with burning catapults and burnt the Kaaba to the ground.. which is one of the main issues Imam Hussain set out to avoid and Yasir Qadih even mentioned that Imam Hussain set out to avoid blood shed within the Haramain... Sorry how do you miss these issues out... WHUT? I am perplexed! HOW IS YAZID INNOCENT? Misguided much on the topic and events.. Contradictory beliefs.. Confusion in analysis!? To say the least!!! I also did not like how he made Imam Hussain a sunni figure and not a universal figure. And laid claim that they (himself and his sect of sunnis, maybe salafis given the fact he mentioned Ibn Taymiyyah much) are the rightful followers of Imam Hussain and Shias are false followers of him. I have never been to a Shia or Suuni Sufi lecture on this event/topic and heard the speaker direct insults at, or accusations to a sect or madhab - inappropriate! To finish off, from my knowledge he has never spoke of the events of Karbala in his many years speaking of and educating and representing Islam on a public and media based platform, especially from his time on Islam Channel, yet he becomes a Shia of Imam Hussain over night...? How...? There has been a response written to Yasir Qadih, a good short response however on the back of this lecture there is far more that can be commented on and further addressed. ballandalus.wordpress/2013/11/10/misrepresenting-karbala-a-response-to-dr-yasir-qadhi/
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 10:05:36 +0000

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