I listened to this, last night and this morning by Jon Carson, at - TopicsExpress


I listened to this, last night and this morning by Jon Carson, at Hope Tv. It was awesome, and thought it could help or encourage somebody out there. 1. POSITION TRAIT: Seeing people as God sees them. Example, whether people liked it or not, when Obama was elected that was final. It did not matter who voted for him or not. The point was he became the president. There are people who may not like where you are placed or you simply dont like certain people coz of the positions they hold, juz love them, relax and move on by loving them. Let your heart be at peace. 2. PROPHETICALLY: See people with what they are becoming. It is a work in progress just be patient with those around you. Example; David who was to be anointed for the task ahead of him. Even the father dismissed him, but Samuel knew what he had heard from God. So a shepherd boy he was a work in progress to the throne as the King. Prophesy good things about your children, friends and those around you, Prov18:21 The tongue has the power of life and those who love it will eat its fruit... So please mark your words. Speak good words to even the week and you will see what happens. 3. POTENTIALITY: There is so much potential in each one of us. Example: Moses, in the wilderness and the experience he had in the Pharoahs home. He was a stammerer according to his world view, hence may be having a low self esteem among many. He was in the making and God had great plans for him so besides his weaknesses God saw the potential in him and was ready to give him a great assignment. Just check out first the potential in someone before you dismiss them. 4. PROGRESSIVELY: Dont dismiss colleagues or friends who seem to be stagnant, there is where they are coming from and where they are headed. Appreciate where they are at. it is a progress in one way or another and you can also show them where the progress is coming in just incase they also doubt out of what they have been told. Uplift them and bless them. 5. PROVIDENTIALLY. See why they are there at such a time as this. You will find something positive in it, or some lessons that need to be learnt as long as that person is there in your family, workplace, neighbour etc. Example: The quarry, as long as those stones are shaped at the quarry they will fit in so well, one stone upon another, once the project is set. And we are in such a set up we are being shaped to be together in the society, so lets be happy for each others company. CONCLUSION: Let us see others as Christ sees them. The Lord will give us grace and the fruit of patience towards one another is sufficient. GOD BLESS YOU ALL, IN THIS WALK OF FAITH, AND REMEMBER; KEEP THE FAITH AND FAITH WILL KEEP YOU. Rev. Beth W
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 12:47:45 +0000

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