I live in a subdivision that has for a season stopped all - TopicsExpress


I live in a subdivision that has for a season stopped all development and behind me is phase 2 with weeds, grass and trees and although its nice, the back of my fence line was Over grown and right at MY property line. 2 weeks ago I pushed the mower and cut the weeds one lane behind there. But it was a temporary solution it really needed to be pushed back further. So yesterday I got out the riding mower and Plowed through about 6 times getting farther into the thick of it. It was Empowering but I know Im going to be dedicated to keep cutting it if I want that stuff far from my property line. Yes I want it far from my property line so Im commited. Last night I noticed that I got chiggers behind my legs and on my ankles!! Grrrrrr and well there ya have it any time you push back the thick brush and weeds in our life there are consequences I wanna share my thoughts on that. We live our lives making decisions out of a routine of reasons. We do things because its all learned behavior over the years and then all of a sudden when we are truly seeking God, thorns and thistles pop up, people start needing us more, people start Watching us, like Cocoa, whining about their lives and we are just trying to get our lives on track and focused on the Lord and our devotion to him. Let me just share this. If we are Not operating from a place ofPeace we need to do everything it takes to Reclaim that peace. Pushing back, and cutting out and cutting down and pulling out by the roots what is Not our responsibility in the first place. We are not Superhuman, but we are Super Naturally called and need our Fine tuning of what is truly going on all around us. Lord give us Eyes to see exactly what are weeds in our life. When we choose to deal with the weeds, and over growing in our lives we will get chiggers but Do Not Scratch them. Sometimes people are chiggers, yep I just said that. Get medication for it those chiggers are people and things demanding from you but Do Not Let the weeds choke out your freedom and your peace. Trust me on this one, Push back and pull the weeds in your life by the roots. We are called to walk in peace.... Not chaos. If we do something because of the noise and obligations in our head we are not operating in Peace. You Will know the difference. Every decision we make we should bring God into it asking him should I be doing this? Should I be involving myself in this situation? When we start partnering our lives and our decisions with God we gain so much Insight, Wisdom and peace. He Longs to help push back the weeds in our lives. We just need to see the weeds for what they truly are and not feed the attention of the chiggers by scratching them. We need to let God be God in the peoples lives around us. Letting go sometimes is the only way to do this in some cases. Just because someone in our life has Stopped their Trust and development in the Spirit we are not called to be God in their life. They need to Trust God for them selves and we need God to be the one being God in their life. Sometimes we are hindering what God wants to be and do in peoples lives because we are trying to save the day. Take off the Super hero cape. Push Back the Weeds. Dont scratch them chiggers it will only make you Cray Cray! ☆☆☆☆☆ Let the peace of God rule your heart, acting as an umpire; deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your mind. Collisions 3:15 Amplified Bible
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 11:19:36 +0000

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