I live this day in and day out. Americans are afraid of hard work. - TopicsExpress


I live this day in and day out. Americans are afraid of hard work. They complain about the heat, complain about the cold, complain about its too hard.... There are plenty! of jobs out there. There is no reason for us today to have the least percentage of the population in the work force in our history. GET OFF YOUR ASSES! There are a lot of people on the govts dole that should be ashamed of it. It used to be that we were a proud people and we would do everything we could to not take a dime from the govt. where did that mentality go? We deffinitly would not be in the situation now with an economy that has to be proper up but us continually printing trillions of dollars (just so the people that didnt go through Econ 101 - the more of something you have the less it is worth) everyday the govt prints money the money you made the day before is worth less! When the hell are all you people with your head in the sand or up our politicians asses going to figure it out?,., Heres another little tangent. In st. Louis city when applying for a business license they tax you on the amount of employees you have.... WTF!? Or if doing work in the city on a project that has a dime of govt money the govt gives you a list of approve contractors you can choose from. You cnst use your own. And those contractors are mostly union workers that the city supports. Not the individual business man. How ass backwards is that. No wonder you see homeless people on street corners in the city limits. Its an ass backwards system. The well its always been that way mentally its what has been screwing us the whole damn time! Get up people and stand for something. This is bull shit the hoops people have to go through to start a business , stay in business, etc... It should be extremely easy. Our country should be a powerhouse of 1st class businesses.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 12:15:26 +0000

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