I lived in Motels and Hotels. I had to hustle to eat. I had gold - TopicsExpress


I lived in Motels and Hotels. I had to hustle to eat. I had gold teeth and beanie. I had no heart. I accepted my place and never thought I would amount to anything. I lived in Hate. I never trusted anyone nor was I trusted by anyone. I hated you and everything you stood for! I blamed the world for my shortcomings and never held myself accountable for any of my actions. I was a selfish disgusting individual who was out for two things a high and a Dollar. And then in 2004 MaryJane blessed this world with her presence and IT ALL CHANGED! I had a reason to exist! I did everything I could to change who I was. I committed myself to her and tried my best to do the right thing! It wasnt easy. I had to change not only my habits but my pattern of thinking. Fast money is a hard concept to overcome. I had to earn it. Today as we draw closer to the end of the year I feel as if I Accomplished an IMPOSSIBLE FEAT! 2014 has literally been the best year of my ENTIRE life. The simple things are what Ive learned to appreciate! My kids are healthy. I have a CONTINUOUS POSITIVE role in my daughter Carmens life! I have a desk! I wear button up shirts and slacks! I have a CAREER! I have a Home! I have 4 BEAUTIFUL Daughters! My Wife is the FREAKIN best in the world! I freakin drive a MINIVAN! Im no longer Selfish and try my best to be as SELFLESS as possible! I lost HELLLA weight! I havent had one cigarette in over a year! I CAN sleep at night! The best part and most rewarding is that my Kids look at me like a Hero! Im their Role Model. They see me as The Greatest Man that ever lived theres nothing that can compare to that! None of this was given to me. I work hard daily and will continue to do so with a smile on my face. People ask why are you so happy all the time? Truth is because I know how much worse it could be! Cherish the positives in your life and accept the negatives for what they are. Misery loves company and Ill be the first to tell you when I was miserable I loved bringing those positive types down with me, almost as if I was trying to prove that life sucks! Im going to chalk 2014 as a win for Chris! If youre still with me THANK YOU! if youre not I hope youre blessed with the awakening I was blessed with #2014BestYearOfMyLife #Until2015 #2015WillBeBetter #SorryForRambling
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:34:12 +0000

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