I long to return to Venezuela and the Ecology Crossroads project - TopicsExpress


I long to return to Venezuela and the Ecology Crossroads project we call Ekobius: End of the Road Ecovillage, Survival Training, Outpost & Trail. Doing it the way that I knew it should be done has been a great challenge but has also been very rewarding considering it was once only an idea. Despite this we are still under very implicit developmental rules and guidelines. Now in the coming weeks we are clearing our mortgage which is already 95% paid down, at which time our focus will be on an open-house for members and their families, the planning begins soon under Ambassador Sonia B. Ceballos and Ambassador Julio Gonzalez. At which time we will begin the construction of a community facility, a lake, a greenhouse, and install additional sustainable permaculture. We have around 16 of the potential 250 maximum investor owners committed with $1000 deposited or more into our project there in Amazonas, Venezuela including Tony Bun Ly, Sonia Ceballos, Nicholas Wright, Pat Craig, Caty Cat, Maya-Lis, Michael Sher, Olandio Giovannetti and Karen Cantrell. There are about 7 others who are not on Facebook currently. Additionally we have local Venezuelans involved there as citizen guarantors including my children Arol Wright, and Zoie-Lis, Joe Saenz, Jose Calderon, Darwin Duarte, Julio Gonzalez, Henrik Bratfeldt, Prema Lia, Claudia Ceballos and four others that form the local legal constitutional body for the holding a perpetual collective property (ecological community) or community village charter within the guidelines of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Also we now have Ecology Crossroads as our sponsor organization, founded in the Commonwealth of Kentucky in 1994 to help us guide us in our development. Really ekōbius is like 5 projects in one its ecotourism, its cultural, its educational, its scientific, and its residential; moreover it complements the livelihood of about 500 people (now in 2015) through the cooperative locally, and potentially as many as 500,000 regionally, perhaps millions globally within 5 years. Its initial focus must result in the development of a sustainable access point and practical training center. We are building an ecovillage at the end of the road, we face an area that is nearly 1,000,000 square kilometers of the most natural remaining rain forests and natural lands on the entire planet. Much of our funding will soon be derived from carbon taxes and offsets provided for the ecosystem services we guarantee with our neighbors over the lands that we dominate and care for sustainably. Our residents need to be ready to take off their shoes and pursue life like a native too with total honor and reverence of the nature. Our objective is to keep our backyard natural and rich in biodiversity that can be enjoyed through informed and certified ecotourism. If you think you can or would like to walk barefoot in the jungle do not hesitate to contact us! Our Amazon Rainforest ecotourism is so specialized that you must train and acclimatize for 10 days, meet indigenous natives, before you can even enter the jungle safely. Then you will still need legal approval as a member of our organization. The only other comparable sized project areas are in the arctic tundras of Alaska, Canada, and Siberia which only produce 20% of the oxygen that rain-forests do because of their cold climate. The project is very special because it is unique but also because we are prepared and accepting of the necessary changes we all face under Agenda 21 and we are in compliance with prosperity in sustainable development. Now we will bring it full circle. If you are a member and have friends that would be potentially interested in this opportunity please tell them to join us now before our lifetime membership fees increase. Lifetime Charter Membership is currently $3250 and Founding Membership is $7,000, both types of membership allow permanent or vacation residence. These current fees resemble the cost of a single vacation from Seattle to Mexico, for savvy investors its a good chance to triple your money or create a legacy! The fees will be increased by 3x to compensate for the Venezuela economy and the new market value of the property so please contact me now!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 17:48:37 +0000

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