I look around at us, and do you know what I see? LOSERS... I - TopicsExpress


I look around at us, and do you know what I see? LOSERS... I mean, like, folks who have lost stuff. And, WE HAVE! Man, we have... ALL OF US... Our homes, our families,,, normal lives. And, usually life takes more than it gives... But NOT TODAY. TODAY it has given us something. It has given us a chance. To do what? To give a shit. For once. And, not run away. I, for one, am not going to watch as our elected Republican and Democrat public enemy usurpers of Constitutional criminal contempt and coercion and their hired corrupt minions in the Federal alphabet soup, ruin millions of innocent American lives turning us all into serfs and vassals due to their utter contempt for our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws. And, to enforce their UNLAWFUL USURPED Federal powers and spending; and in the process, soon to kill us in the oncoming POLICE STATE. Sooner or later, WE ALL KNOW, our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our TENTH Amendment law are going to use their hired IRS tyrants and contemptuous corrupt minions to FORCE US by GUNPOINT to pay for the public debt PLUS the UNFUNDED liabilities, so they can continue to buy election votes from the American voting MOB, who DONT WANT to know any better, because they WANT the free stuff brought to them and their communities from our STOLEN LABOR. Some have said that stopping our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, our economy, our jobs, our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitutional laws, which We The People ordained and established UPON THEM to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, is impossible and that any attempt to restore the rule of our Constitutional laws on them is akin to asking us to die. Well, I guess it is possible, I am. Our Founding Fathers were outnumbered over 3 to 1. For every American who wanted us to be free, during the American Revolutionary period, there were THREE Americans who didnt and who STOOD against them. Nearly SEVENTY PERCENT of the American population of the day were AGAINST Freedom, Liberty and Independence from our tyrannical despotic Colonial over taxing BIG Government. The ones against the Patriots where the Tories (Numbering about 37% who were BIG GOVERNMENT loyalists and lovers) and the Moderates (About 33%) who only wanted to live life and be left alone. The Moderates would scream at the Patriots, in the town square, for causing problems with our Government, for them and everybody else. I ask all of you; IS IT ANY DIFFERENT TODAY? In effect, we have lived our lives surrounded by enemies of The Constitution. To this very day, if you ask even SO CALLED Conservatives if our elected public servants should be FORCED to obey our TENTH Amendment law, which limits them to the eighteen powers and spending privileges granted them under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution, and they will either think that you are NUTS or tell it right to your face. So we have spent our life being SURROUNDED by our enemies of The Constitution. Sure for a lot of them, they were never taught any better with regards to our Constitutional laws upon our elected despots. They all have been taught to vote for the usurper who promises to use the IRS to steal the most from the American Middle Class and give it to them. Unfortunately our politicians nor our Government sponsored school systems told us, our students or our children that all of it, sooner or later, comes out of our own paychecks, our labor and right out of the property that we thought we owned. THEREFORE, I say, Give ME LIBERTY, or give me DEATH! The vast majority of our American population doesnt even WANT to know or understand that it has come to that. They dont WANT to know because in cognitive dissonance their minds are telling them that Ignorance is Bliss, while our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers spend OUR OWN LABOR, individual and States Rights into oblivion via humanly incomprehensible public debt, while they promise to bring home even more bacon to THEIR CHOSEN special interest voting blocs like the Senior Citizens, Whites, Blacks, Illegal Aliens, Hispanics, Latinos, old, young, rich, poor, fat, thin, you name the group. That is why the more we ELECT Republicans OR Democrats the more in debt we get. When our elected and wannabe elected REPUBLICANS have utter AND TOTAL CONTEMPT for our Ninth and especially TENTH Amendment laws, which limit their spending privileges to EIGHTEEN specific items under Article I Section 8, BOTH Parties can buy their way into power by AMNESTY and Socialistic Security and Medi-SCARE and all manner of other UNLAWFUL Federal spending of which they pay for with our IRS STOLEN wages, salaries and property. I SAY WE FIGHT! TO RESTORE THE RULE OF OUR Ninth and TENTH Amendment supreme LAW of the land UPON OUR ELECTED REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT USURPER ENEMIES OF OUR BILL OF RIGHTS, ECONOMY AND CONSTITUTION and their hired alphabet soup thugs and oppressors ---> DESPITE THE ODDS ! Just as our Founding Fathers did. If you are with me, then JOIN US in SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION here: https://facebook/events/1464895897101312/?source=1 - Capt. Karl #Patriot #Solidarity #SFNATAC #Freedom #Constitution #9thAmendment #10thAmendment #NFL #PlayOffs #Packers #Lions #Economy #Jobs #wages #IndividualRights #StatesRights #StateNullification #Nullification #Republican #Conservative #Democrat #Elections #Tyranny #Usurpation #Taxation #Taxes #IncomeTaxes #IRS
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 02:13:03 +0000

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