I look back in time, precious friends gone, My memories unwind, Oh - TopicsExpress


I look back in time, precious friends gone, My memories unwind, Oh how time can drag on. Over the years I have Lost wonderful friends, I would shed many tears, Just to see them again. Oh Lord did I tell them How much I cared, How precious they were, And for the friendship we shared? Friends are like flowers, they bloom for a season, They are here one day, And then gone without reason! They battled and lost death stole them away, at such a great cost Wish they could have stayed! I cherished them so and wish I could again, But Lord did they know On their friendship, I did depend? I see their faces before me, Years did not take that away, The precious times we had, Oh the hope of a New Day! Lord let us cherish the ones. Those Gifts that You sent, Let us not take for granted The ones you have lent. Time is not ours, Only You know, The length of their days Oh Lord, help us show! Let us learn to appreciate, All You have given, let us slow down and not be so driven! Open our eyes Lord, dark is the night, So much beauty around us But blind is our sight! Help us enjoy the Ones who are dear, They are part of our lives Oh Lord, keep them near! Let us cherish each moment, we spend with our friends, Never take them for granted, Or be thoughtless again! Time marches on, like a thief in the night, Before we know it, they are gone from our sight!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 02:47:23 +0000

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