I look forward †̥φ a revolutionary partty. I remember when I - TopicsExpress


I look forward †̥φ a revolutionary partty. I remember when I was taught what a revolutionary party is all about in Political science, no be moimoi oo, but one of the mostt important fact of it is dat it is consciously built tto a formidable standard starting from its goals and objective, and such agenda are which must be ppl and freedom orriented, then scout for selfless leaders who have three distinc qualities, which are - ability †̥φ. Inspire, ability †̥φ motivate and abilty †̥φ intimidate when necessary. A revolutionary movement which will later turn †̥φ a revolutionary party must not be at first power- seeking but change-seeking. The objective and subjecttive conditions must coincide b4 a revolution can take place (2.) A strong reolutionary force endowed withd capacity of organizing, leading, assisting or carrying out a revolution dat can translate into a revolutionary party or vanguard whose duty is †̥φ convert d objective revolutionary situation into actual revolution. (3) a stable, durable ,d continuos leadership, call it d stars or pointman or ring leader. (4) total identification of d masses with d revolutionary process. (5) correct, united and dedicated leadership and followership. (6) security of d revolutionary group. (7) leadership of d group must at all times listen †̥φ d legitimate aspiration of the pp. (8) ƌ̲̣̣̣̥ia must be ideological unity among d leaders of the group so dat they will not crumble due †̥φ varied ideology. If such a group dat will provide all these little things are put in place many nigerians are dead- sure -ready †̥φ join a revolutionary movement. Until weve such a group ormovement with these prerequisites were just joking. But I still look forward †̥φ it before 2015. Comment if you get what I mean.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 05:44:18 +0000

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