I look upon this life and I observe more and more that we as a - TopicsExpress


I look upon this life and I observe more and more that we as a nation and as a people have become desensitized to ones murder and it speaks volumes when we can so readily takes snaps of someones dead body, just because you deem it acceptable or because you can. With that said, I pray deeply for families of lost ones who have been brutally murdered senselessly. I also pray for the families of Robert Mendez, that surveillance video of his untimely was deeply disturbing and callous and it troubled the very core of my being. I therefore look to the highest power above for guidance and strength in these dark times, for the Devils minions have taken charge of this nation and the world. I have observed and am therefore not pleased. I look not to these politicians for they have no knowledge, no foresight in what is happening in our nation. This is the reality and this is where our children are growing up.....I can truly say without remorse, Jamaica is doomed less were soften our hearts once more and return to the state of godliness for we have truly lost it
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 07:15:55 +0000

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