I looked back at Jason. Without ever looking away from me, he - TopicsExpress


I looked back at Jason. Without ever looking away from me, he very carefully opened his coat a little. I saw two strange guns, each one tucked into a holster. “Don’t worry about it, witch,” Jason said. “Just get in the car.” I finally looked away from him and got in the car. I sat in the middle of Jason and another warlock. The one that was driving kept looking at me through the rear view mirror. I noticed how huge these warlocks were. They didn’t say a word to me, but I could feel the tension between us. We were driving deep into the woods. I’d never been through this part of Salem before. These back roads were usually used by deer hunters. I usually stayed away from these areas whenever I could. The car pulled into a long drive way, I could see a ranch style house ahead of us. It looked like any normal home, with two lawn chairs covered in snow still in the yard. When the car stopped, I was pulled with force from the car by the warlock sitting next to me. He almost dragged me up the walk way, but Jason pulled me away from him. “Simon said not to hurt her,” he yelled at him. The warlock glared at me. He had the most unusual grey eyes. He was very tall, his head shaved. He had his hand over a very large dagger that was on his waist. He was angry about something, I just couldn’t figure out about what. “Simon is waiting,” Jason said, pulling me away. “What does he want?” I asked Jason in a very low voice. “I don’t know,” he managed to say. Chapter Four: The Spoiled Ginger Root We walked into the house; only the fireplace was lighting the room. Simon was standing in front of it, his arms crossed behind him. He stared into the fire and said nothing. He had hiking boots on, a pair of old torn jeans seemed out of character for him to wear. Simon usually wore dark clothes. I noticed most of the furniture had been taken out. Only a chair sat in the middle of the room with something draped over it. “Leave us,” Simon said, over his shoulder. Jason glanced at me. I gave him a very subtle nod as to say it was ok. He looked at Simon and then walked outside with the other warlocks. Simon didn’t face me, he only looked into the fire as I moved closer to him. I didn’t know what to say, but I was going crazy wondering what he wanted. He seemed to be deep in thought. I glanced at the chair, now I could see it was a shawl draped over it. “I have a gift for you,” Simon finally said. He turned to face me. Once again I couldn’t get over the resemblance between him and James. Simon had much darker eyes, almost black. He had the same dark eyes brows, the same golden smile. He was as tall as James too, and just as handsome. “A gift?” I asked. He smiled and reached for the shawl. “Yes, I hope you like it,” he said, wrapping it
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 02:47:41 +0000

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