I love Allah and Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) THE MOST BEAUTIFUL - TopicsExpress


I love Allah and Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HADITH ABOUT RAMADAN PLEASE DO READ AND SHARE. JAZAKALLAHU KHAIRAN! It was narrated by Salman (R.A.), that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ delivered a sermon on the last day of Sha’ban, “O People! There comes upon you now a great and most blessed month, wherein lies a night greater in worth than a thousand months. The Fasting during this month is made compulsory and the extra prayers by night are optional. Whosoever tries drawing near to Allah by performing any virtuous deed in this month, for him shall be such reward as if he had performed any obligatory duty at any other time of the year. And whosoever performs any obligatory duty, for him shall be the reward of 70 times such duty at any other time of the year. This is indeed the month of patience and the reward for true patience is Paradise. It is the month of sympathy with one’s fellow men. It is a month wherein a true believer’s livelihood is increased. Whosoever feeds a Fasting person in order to break the Fast at Iftar, for him there will be forgiveness of his sins and emancipation from the fire of Hell and he will receive the reward equal to the Fasting person, without that person’s reward being diminished in the least.” Some of the companions then said: “Not all of us possess the means whereby we can provide enough for a Fasting person to break his Fast.” The Prophet ﷺ , replied, "Allah grants the same reward to him who gives a fasting person a single date or a sip of milk or drink of water to break the fast. This is a month the first part of which brings Allah’s Mercy, the middle of which brings His Forgiveness and the last part of which brings freedom from the fire of Hell. Whosoever lessens the burdens of his servants in this month, Allah will forgive him and free him from Hell. And there are four things you should endeavour to perform in great number, two of which shall be to please your Lord, while the other two shall be those without which you cannot make do. The first two qualities are to bear witness that there is none worthy of Worship except Allah (LAA ILAHA ILALLAH) and to ask for forgiveness (ASTAGHFIRULLAH). And as for the two you cannot do without: ask Allah for Paradise and seek refuge from the Hellfire. And whosoever gives a Fasting Muslim water to drink at Iftar, Allah will grant him a drink during the Day of Judgement from the fountain of Muhammed Salallahu Alyehe Wasallam after which he shall never again feel thirsty until he enters Paradise." [Ibn Khuzaymah] _
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 21:48:06 +0000

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