I love God soooo much! Over the past couple years, Hes slowly - TopicsExpress


I love God soooo much! Over the past couple years, Hes slowly helped me piece together a pretty detailed understanding of the 7 year tribulation period. Ive had the finished product down on paper now for a little over nine months. Seeing it continue to come to pass exactly how I had been shown..... Its been the most amazing experience of my life, and I believe has provided the supernatural Joy that is now allowing me to some how have complete faith at a time where my family is in so much turmoil and being ripped apart everywhere I look. My Church family, my natural family, my extended family, my friends families.... Ive never known so many people that where so completely overwhelmed at one time. Life is really so simple though..... You know how parents like to tell their kids stuff like I warned you and warned you but you just had to find out the hard way.... Well having to find out the hard way, or rather, having to find out for our selves, is an inherent trait of creation. God shows us this first with Lucifer who is made of the grandest of materials in Heaven, but he is so great that he gets proud and thinks he should be like God. Then then Adam comes along and God shows us what its like for a human being to have to find out the hard way. Then over and over again through out history, God shows us how people go through life and have to find out the hard way. You were created by God to be with God. However, you cant be transformed into a glorious enough version of your self to hang out with God unless you first fully understand your place, otherwise like Lucifer youll wanna be like God. So God manifest as the Father, put us all here on earth. Then the Father sent God manifest as His Son to go through the same transformative process that we are now able to go through, to follow Jesus the Son of God who is now made equal to God the Father and among other things now our Lord, King, Big Brother, Great High Priest.... and many other wonderful things. The point though being that by following Jesus example and teachings here on earth, we can now receive the same Spirit of God that He received. In order to fully do this, you have to humble your self completely. This means you have to acknowledge all your sins, you have to acknowledge that God is who He says He is in the Bible and that you need Him. Then you have to choose in your heart to turn from your sins and seek God. Then you get baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Spirit of God. And back to my original point, as we are nearing to beginning of the trumpets of Revelation, God has drawn a line, there is no more sitting on the fence. Everyone single undecided person in the world right is wrestling with a great pressure, to either start racing toward the things of God, or racing towards the things of Satan. Like two parallel ships at sea that were hooked together but not they are starting to drift apart, and deep with in our souls we are wrestling to pick a side. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against Fallen Angels, against their disembodied demon offspring, And against Satans Spiritual authority on earth.Ephesians 6:12 Most demons are very simple and take the form of a Spirit linked to a certain sin. They are able to attach them selves to us if we strongly commit to a sin. The sinful and righteous life experiences, thoughts and decisions of grandparents and even great-grandparents change their eggs and sperm so indelibly that this is passed onto their children up to 4 generations. This is recent scientific fact. So we carry demons from 3-4 generations back. Along with whatever we get into in our own lifetime. We all have demons, every human being alive on this earth right now. And at this point in the tribulation, these demons are being given authority to mess with us as Satan is gaining authority towards his short reign (remember, the only reason Satan is still kept around and all this is happening is for us to learn what we dont want). And so as these demons are coming awake in us, we are all facing a monumental struggle, some more than others. Its not gonna settle down, its going to get worse. There is going to soon be a clear division of Godly people and sinful people. The only remedy against this struggle, and the answer to life in general.... you have to acknowledge all your sins, you have to acknowledge that God is who He says He is in the Bible and that you need Him. Then you have to choose in your heart to turn from your sins and seek God. Then you get baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Spirit of God. Then continue that formula as you start a relationship with God. Every day working toward making it less about me me me because its not about you dummy, not even a little. Making it about you only leads to pain. Its about God and only God, its about hey God, heres my life, Im gonna get in the back seat, you take the wheel, you created me, so duh you know better, Im gonna recognize that so I can finally be happy and stop struggling. This is literally what were put here in this lifetime to do, and if we dont do it, we go to Hell when we die, which from this point in time, Hell doesnt end for a little over 1,000 years. Then I believe theres a time where people in Hell repent and get saved, but they might go into the lake of fire too with Satan and his lot.... The Bible isnt crystal clear on that one. The bottom line though, this age is coming to a close, and people are either racing toward Jesus or toward Hell and their gonna keep going faster and faster. . God is soooo worthy, He....created.....you.....for.....Him.......! Submit to Him so that you can know fulfillment, quit chasing after it with the desires of your own stubborn stupid demon infested heart. Its so simple, and if you cant do it, youll spend 1,000 years wishing you had, completely miserable, ever day worse than your worse day ever, nothing but pain and regret...... If youve actually read all this and you arent a fully submitted Real Christian.... please, Im begging you. Just fricken let go. . God bless
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 09:13:19 +0000

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