I love Laurens story! *I was a Plexus SKEPTIC and honestly was - TopicsExpress


I love Laurens story! *I was a Plexus SKEPTIC and honestly was annoyed by all the Plexus FB posts I saw daily....... until I took it and my life has forever changed........I am no longer a skeptic, but a believer! ***I am sharing this information because I know that I am not that only one who suffered from gastro-intestinal issues. Today is my Thankful Thursday: Today I am thankful for what Plexus has been able to do for me. I used to live day to day minute by minute not sure how I was going to feel and unsure if the next thing I ate was going to set my stomach into a horrible flareup caused by IBS. I lived so much of my life taking chances on eating things that may or may not flare my stomach up. Its a horrible way to live when you are out to dinner with family and friends or better yet someone you just met, and you are in so much pain you have to go to the car and bare through it. It was not only painful, but embarrassing. Talk about a grand introduction when I first met my now husband. He hated seeing me in so much pain, but we just figured it would be something that would effect out lives FOREVER. Until I was introduced to Plexus 4 very short months ago...and my life has forever changed. I kid you NOT when I say that I have NOT had ONE SINGLE FLARE UP in 16 weeks!!!! I have been able to eat whatever I want when I want it and not have ONE SINGLE stomach issue. I can not express to you, unless you suffer from these same issues, how grateful I am to not have to deal with the IBS devil. It literally controlled my life. I know with Plexus, it gives you the want to eat healthier, and healthier I have been eating, which is partly why I am not having any stomach issues. However, there have been many many occasions I have splurged and eaten, dairy, fried foods, and greasy foods, all of which used to tear my stomach up.....so I know it works even when I dont eat healthy. If Plexus did nothing else for me but keep my IBS under control, I would still take it, as it is an all natural alternative to taking prescription medications. In a nutshell, Its been almost 16 weeks for me on Plexus Products! I have seen so many changes. I have lost the rest of my baby weight and am now maintaining my current weight with my Plexus Slim. I have also lost a few inches around my waist and am now in my pre-pregnancy pants again! My cravings for caffeine and sodas are nearly non-existent. I am happier with healthy food choices instead of binging on junk. I have always been a snacker. I liked to graze on non-nutritional snacks like chips! I am keeping my snacking under control and saying NO to fast and fried foods I am 3 months soda FREE! I was drinking around 20 caffeinated drinks a week, and I am down to 3-4. I feel better! The products I am taking are helping my digestion so much! I love having a happy tummy and a happy mind! I take Plexus Slim, Probio5, Bio cleanse to treat these issues.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 16:06:53 +0000

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