I love Robins thoughts here. Anyone who believes addiction or - TopicsExpress


I love Robins thoughts here. Anyone who believes addiction or mental illness is a choice or just something people need to toughen up and get over should re-think their view of the world. Addiction and/or mental illness are just as serious as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, et. al. People dont recover from them just by waking up one day and deciding to be a little stronger of a person. Its so sad when you consider the fact that such ill-informed statements have the effect of inadvertently pushing away some of those who could benefit from faith and the love of the faithful the most. Im trying to think of analogy that captures how angry such ignorance makes me and the best Ive got is this: Jesus over-turning tables and driving the money changers out of the Temple. Because sometimes getting really pissed off is actually the right thing to do.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 19:56:22 +0000

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