I love all of my friends dearly and thank them all for the support - TopicsExpress


I love all of my friends dearly and thank them all for the support they give me everyday, but some days I wish people could see me as I see me, not just how you all see me. I struggle every single day with my own self image and value. As hard as I try to see what everyone else sees and many a day I do, but then many more I wake up and have to see what others dont. I just wish others could truly put themselves in my place for a while and try to understand how it is for me and not what they see. I have added the below descriptions to try to get some people an understanding of what it means to be diagnosed with Dysthymia. Dysthymic disorder: (source, BeyondBlue) The symptoms of dysthymia are similar to those of major depression but are less severe. However, in the case of dysthymia, symptoms last longer. A person has to have this milder depression for more than two years to be diagnosed with dysthymia. Severe or Major depression: (source, dperessionet.org.au) causes considerable distress or agitation, loss of self-esteem or feelings of uselessness and guilt. We are unlikely to be able to continue with work, social and domestic activities. Severe (or Major) depression usually causes severe enough symptoms for a change to be noticeable by those around us even if we try to mask how we are feeling. A person with major depression will usually experience most, if not all of the symptoms listed on Symptoms of depression. Suicide is a distinct and major danger. While we may be managing one moment, we can plummet very quickly into feelings of hopelessness and despair. It is common for people to feel that they are somehow responsible and to blame for the way they are feeling and believe that others are better off without them. It is vital that professional help and treatment is sought as soon as possible and that treatment is adhered to. As with all major illnesses, during major depression we need additional support on a daily basis both in managing the symptoms and to provide help with treatment.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 12:49:07 +0000

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