I love all of the anti Zionist/Jewish information. But when they - TopicsExpress


I love all of the anti Zionist/Jewish information. But when they lump Hitler and the National Socialist in with the Jewish scams as though they were also apart of it? That is were I call it quits. I flatly refuse to believe that Hitler was there only to falsely bring up the moral of Germany just to let it be destroyed and abused for the sake of the Jews and the Rothschild dynasty. That in return they supposedly allowed Hitler to escape and go to Argentina to live out the rest of his life as the reward of his service for the Jewluminati Zionist. I refuse and object those beliefs. No Hitler has shown ample proof that he was the real deal. He did fight against the Jews/Zionists. He jailed the bankers and freed his people from interest servitude. He made a job friendly government and an economy so rich that it decided to even allow foreigners to come in to work. Hitler the father of Israel? Bull. Hitler may wanted to rid of the alien ethno-religous race from Germany if not Europe. To do this he did agree with the Zionist to move the Jews to Palestine. But after a while the grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini of Al Quds had much concern about the Jews in Palestine in which Hitler agreed that a new home was to be made some were else for the Jews. It was thought to be Madagascar. But then WW2 happened. And of course Hitler and the National Socialist did not win the war. After the war the English moved forward with the Balfour declaration and to establish the Jewish homeland in Palestine. A declaration that was written back in 1917. Much earlier than Hitler. The true father of Israel was the financier of the Jewish state plan. Lionel Walter Rothschild.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 04:34:08 +0000

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