I love being 5 minutes from the beach because its there I feel - TopicsExpress


I love being 5 minutes from the beach because its there I feel closest to God, Once Im a hundred yards from the park there is about as good a chance in seeing a person as there is me winning the lottery. Its being able to go to the edge of the continent as far away from society as I can and still be on land. Besides being healthy there is something very therapeutic about walking on the beach, watching the waves caress the shore-line with the sound of seagulls off in the distance. Sometimes when our ocean is flat as glass when day turns to night, that little twi-light period is just hard to explain just how magical it is. Its the time that no matter how tough a day I may have had that I stop and give thanks that God paid such close attention to every detail to my life that He has brought me to the only place on this planet that would have helped fix my life and help me to see Him through different eyes. I was drawn here from childhood, this is exactly where I was meant to be. I look back over my life and I know He was there all along, even when I didnt deserve it. Now I dont know about you but when I finally get something or come to the point of understanding I get excited. We are but a vapor, here one day and gone the next. In my quest to find myself, to grasp life - that is what Im always writing about in case you havent noticed. LIFE. The Grand Scheme of the things that are, have been and are to come. There is an order to everything, where there is order there is also peace. Sometimes what we seek is right there in front of us and we miss it, I did. But, life has a way of coming full circle and hitting you smack in the middle of your face. I finally am starting to grasp things I thought I never would, I know now that the biggest treasure hunt in all of life is finding God !!! What is the first thing you do when you wake up ? what occupies your thoughts all day ? What is the one thing you want more than anything in this world ? What you think about all day is what you will become, if you feel bad when you fail, its ok - that means you are still alive inside. If you have something holding you back, then lay it at the feet of Jesus and ask to be set free. Bondage is horrible, and he whom the Son sets free is free indeed. I love Jesus, I gave Him my broken life and in return He gave me HOPE, PEACE, JOY and filled me with His LOVE. He is at the door, but He is a gentleman, you have to invite Him in and accept His free gift of eternal life. He wont force it on you, sell it to you or make you do it. It has an order, its offered as a free gift - all you have to do is open the door and invite Him in. I promise it will be the best and only decision you make in this life that will truly matter... God Bless you all...Oh, and by the way Sarah has started nesting - remember the doves God gave me ? I changed the males name from Noah to Abraham - DOVES ROCK !!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 22:20:13 +0000

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