I love being around all people and if they are not an idiot being - TopicsExpress


I love being around all people and if they are not an idiot being stoned does not matter. As a matter of fact it has a huge part in curing cancer not just cause of the medicine / cannabinoids but because it cleanses your pineal gland which opens up your 3rd eye or sixth sense. I will be writing a blog about his how I believe thanks to the weed one can become very introspective and figure things out on an emotional / mental level which is so important in healing from degenerative disease. The thing with the cannabis hemp oil is it is curing many folks cancer and thats all they do is add oil to their life and it goes away and stays away if you keep taking the oil. But you didnt change the playing ground. So it will come back if you stop. Same thing if using chemo. It may shrink the tumor for a while but eventually it will come back. So do this too: Basic Cancer Steps By Ian Jacklin - Creator of iCureCancer Disclaimer: Im not a doctor and not giving medical advice. This is just my opinion from being in this area for 15 years and what I would do if I had cancer. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the only people Ive seen make it pretty much are the ones that do 100% holistic. No one hardly ever makes it doing CAM conventional and alternative. Western medicine is incorporating this in to their protocols cause they know they are losing much of their business to the people that are awake now thanks to the internet. If I had cancer I would say no to all western medicine and only take their tests. Not including biopsy or if I were a woman, mammogram. Biopsys spread cancer and mammograms cause and spread it. (think of squashing a grape) My main site is icurecancer/ Here is what I would do: Get on an alkaline diet, no sugar (including fruit) at all for first 3 months or till here pH is above 7.2 . If I had money then Id go to americanbiodental/ in Tijuana, Mexico. It is a holistic clinic run by MDs. Which means although they rarely need it… if in extreme cases they can do low dose IPT chemo and low dose Cobalt Radiation (safest kind). First they do everything a good a holistic protocol should starting with alkaline diet, Laetrile, High dose Vit. C, DMSO etc… before thinking conventional. Also in NYC is Dr. Gonzalez is top notch too who uses nutrition and enzyme therapy with a 90% success rate with end stage pancreatic cancer. dr-gonzalez If money is a problem then can do at home. Id call Bill Henderson beating-cancer-gently/ who for $195 and a copy of his book you should read anyway, will be your coach over the phone on exactly what to do and what not to do. For under $500 you can get a full video series from Dr. Judy Seeger ND who covers everything you need to know for cancer detoxing etc… In other words cant afford a cancer coach? Then here is next best thing. https://secureinfossl/.../75152My film icurecancer/ is a pretty good way to get up to par on the latest in the cancer industry as well. And best site on web for alternative cancer treatments cancertutorPeople/ getting best results bar none curing cancer are people doing Cannabis Hemp Oil. See Rick Simpsons film Run From The Cure youtube/watch... How to make oil from Brave Makaylas dad Ronnie Smith & Cannabis Short Film by Ian Jacklin: youtube/watch?v=trtAkJ6bPXA Join these groups on Facebook for more info and testimonials: Cannabis Oil Success Stories: https://facebook/groups/416702921703509/Roland A Duby: https://facebook/groups/218524521614491/Cannabis Cures Cancer: https://facebook/groups/186621013035/ auntiedolores/ From what Ive learned when comes to general health but especially for healing from cancer the main culprit is acidosis which means your pH level when having cancer is probably around 5. In order to re-alkalize you have to get pH level up to 7, 7.2 where the cancer can not live and dies. That being said there are strict dietary changes that must be made. No sugar/simple carbs, white starches, or non-organic foods. Dr. Bernardo whos interview is below insists on this type of diet along with specific supplements depending on type of cancer. He comes from the Otto Warburg School of thought.Below is his general guide lines to go by. You can buy pH strips online or at pharmacies and health stores and here: phreshproducts/beststrips/ Dr. Bernardos Diet basic idea:Eat as many organic green vegetables & red skinned potatoes as possible (except green peas). Raw is better than cooked but you can steam them. You can eat organic wild caught fish, venison, buffalo, lamb and tiny bit of turkey. Eat 80% vegetables and 20% meat (or no meat) depends on if they have lost a lot of weight. Meat will put weight on them. A drink that will put weight on a person is: organic whipping cream, coconut milk, almond milk and a little stevia. Taste like a vanilla shake! If you bake anything you use stevia in place of the sugar and gluten free all purpose baking flour instead of flour. If you want pancakes you can have buckwheat pancakes and only use organic eggs. Only organic butter allowed and should be raw, unpasteurized if possible. As far as oil goes use extra virgin olive oil. You also can have a lot of green salads and cabbage. The only dressing you can have is olive oil and vinegar or just squeeze lemon on it.Sprouted bread mainly although Dr B said you could have a little wheat bread as long as it home made without the preservatives. Drink lots of freshly squeezed lemon in water. Can use little Stevia to sweeten.Nothing packaged / processed foods of course!Dr. Bernardo Video: icurecancer.ning/video/2062575:Video:103If you found this to be useful since I have no secure income I survive by donations to research and write/shoot video to get you the information. Im told I should sell this sheet of info for $10 but figure if one thinks this info was worth it one could donate or buy a dvd of iCureCancer - Part I: icurecancer/donate Thank you Ian Jacklin
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 05:43:11 +0000

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