I love dogs and im always amused by how they interact with - TopicsExpress


I love dogs and im always amused by how they interact with me/their owners while we practice. 4 of my private clients have dogs and they each have a unique yogic style...but they ALL love savasana! Today, my client of just over 1yr lost her dog of 14yrs, after shed been getting progressively weaker for the past few months. When I first started working with this client, her dog Sydney, a 70lb weimaraner, was fiercely protective whenever id give final adjustments in savasana and would circle me until I stopped touching her momma; after a few months, Syd would sit next to me and lick my hands while I verbally guided her momma through relaxation/meditation and eventually she started standing in front of me in down dog while I instructed. For the past few months, shes been tired but would always get up off of her bed before I left so I could scratch her behind the ears and tell her what a good girl she was. Im so sad that shes gone. The energy will be different now. Have a safe journey over the rainbow bridge Sydney.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 03:23:07 +0000

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