I love every one of My children. I love each one so much that I - TopicsExpress


I love every one of My children. I love each one so much that I gave My life when I died on the cross to save each one. My love is so great that many do not understand it. Many cannot see how I could have come to Earth and died on the cross to save you. In this day and age, people question whether or not I really am the Son of God, and whether I really am who I say I am. So, it is in the hands of people like you that I leave the responsibility of giving this message to the world. I need your help to spread the news that I am the truth, I am love, and I am the only light of this world. This day and age is getting darker and darker, and the world is being flooded with so many lies that it is difficult for people to understand the simplicity of the Gospel and the simplicity of My love. It is for this reason that I have chosen you to help give My Words to the lost. Many shall be surprised when they come into My Heavenly Kingdom to see the great importance of love, the hidden, unseen acts of love and the giving of love. For to love is more important than the many things that you think are so important. This is a day of choice. This is a day of challenge. This is a day when I am saying to all of My children: How much will you love? How much will you think of others? How much will you give of yourselves? How much will you give up your own personal plans, your preferences, your immediate desires, to be able to give love to those who are in need? I have no eyes but your eyes, no lips but yours, no hands but yours. Much of the love that I show can only be shown through another. Much of the comfort and encouragement and affection that I wish to bestow can only be given through another. My love can best be shown through you. It is time to look outward, not inward. You must not become secluded in your blessings, looking inward only to yourself. You must look outward to those who suffer, to those who thirst, to those who are hungry and to those who are desperate and in need and dying. They are dying spiritually without My Words, without My truth. You have an abundance, so give of your abundance. Give, and it shall be given to you. I will pour My love upon you and I will give you great strength and anointing as you go forth to preach My Gospel, My Word, My love. Thus you will heal their hearts. At night when you go to sleep, think about the love that I have bestowed upon you. Count your many blessings and you will see how in so many little ways and through so many little things and through so many people I have extended a kiss, a touch, a word, a blessing. There are so many ways that I have loved you personally. But I ask you also to think about how much you have given love. What have you done to show love to another, that they may also be touched by My love? Haven’t I said that there is greater joy in giving than in receiving? There is so much more love in giving love than in receiving love. How much do you give to those who I also love? Remember that I have no hands but yours, no eyes but yours, no heart to touch others’ hearts but your heart. Give and it shall be given to you. As much as you have done it to the least of these, you have done it to Me. Therefore be touched by My love and touch others with My love. Lift up your eyes and look on the fields of the world, the fields of mankind, for they are white and ready to harvest for My Kingdom. The harvest is plenteous and the trees are laden with ripe fruit. Even now the fruit falls to the ground and perishes for want of those to harvest it. Lift up your eyes and look upon the fields. Do not be secluded in your blessings, but let your heart be touched with the feelings of those who do not know the truth of My love and who do not know Me, their Savior, those who are dying of starvation and who freeze in the cold for lack of the warmth of My Spirit and My love. Therefore do not say there is yet more time, but give My Word. Sow the seeds of My Word and reap the harvest. Let Me use your eyes to see the needs of others, whether great or small. Let Me use your ears to hear the heartcries of the lost. Let Me use your tongue to pour forth My Words of love and of compassion, of prayer and of encouragement to one who is cast down. Let Me use your mind that I may implant My thoughts therein-thoughts of love and of kindness. Let Me take your heart in My hands and let it break for the multitudes of people who have not yet heard of My love. Yes, let Me break your heart, that I may afterwards pick up all the pieces and put it back together again as a softer, more useful vessel that My love can pour through. Let Me use your hands to dry the tears of those who are crying, to give a pat on the back to those who are discouraged, to be a helping hand to someone who is falling by the way. All you must be is willing, heeding My gentle whispers, and I will put these situations in your path. They may seem small and insignificant, but they are great in My sight. It is a high calling to be a vessel of My love. Freely you have received, freely give, for I have given much unto you. I have poured into you, and now I send you as a vessel full of the waters of My love, full of the elixir of My love, full of My healing balm to pour on others. Be a vessel that pours out. Do not be one that withholds and contains, but be an open vessel that freely gives, even as you have received. As you pour out, I will replenish, and your vessel shall not run dry. I will fill you up to overflowing as you overflow upon others. For unto whom much has been given, of the same shall much be required. This I require of you: that you love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, and that you love your neighbors as yourselves. As you pour out, pour not out in your own strength, but simply open your vessel so that the elixir of My love may flow out of its own accord, that it may be drawn out by the vacuum of others, by their need for love. Are you willing to reach out to these who are buffeted in the storms of confusion-these who are caught in the snares and brambles, who find no joy, no power, no happiness in day-to-day life? These who are caught in the thick of battle, whom Satan tries to confuse, that he may snuff out their light? Will you be a vessel of My love-My never-ending, never-failing, never-swerving, unconditional love for these? How I love them. How I long to wipe away their tears and their heartaches. How I long to melt away their confusion. Who will heed My call? Are you willing? May I use your hands, your arms, your mouth? Will you yield your members to Me that I may love these who are weary, who have lost their enthusiasm and joy? I have no hands but your hands to lend a tender touch. I have no arms but your arms to extend a comforting hug. I have no mouth but your mouth to speak a word fitly spoken, that it may encourage and lift them up. I have no smile but your smile that sheds a little bit of sunshine through the dark, stormy clouds on a rainy day. I have no feet but your feet to walk a mile in their shoes. I have no body but your body, to reach out, to love, to comfort, to hold on to and to pray for these, My little lambs. How far will My love go?-To the ends of the Earth, to the highest Heaven, to the deepest depths of the sea. My love will walk out of its way to love and win one lost child who is groping in a sea of confusion. My love is the rescue boat; My love is the lifesaver. There are many occasions, even in your everyday life, where I wish that you would stop and touch and listen to and pray for others. Have I not given you the sample of the good shepherd who leaves the ninety-and-nine-the duty, the responsibility, the work, all that he thinks he must do-as his heart is pulled toward the one who cries and is in need? For there will be many upon the road of your day; many occasions for you to recognize a need for love. Therefore stop your working and be touched by My Spirit. For as you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto Me. My love is all-encompassing. My love is a tender touch, a loving look, a bright smile, a kind deed, a silent prayer. My love takes every critical thought and transforms it into a fervent prayer. My love wars for those who struggle in spirit, fights for them at Heaven’s throne of grace. My love is a friend in need and a friend in deed. My love does not criticize or point the finger. My love is all these things for those whom it is hard to love. My love is faith to believe that as you continue to give, I will work in their hearts. My love keeps on loving, even if you cannot see immediate results. As My love begets love, so does the tiny spark of My love, shown through you, ignite a fire in the hearts of others. Just as love begets love, enthusiasm begets enthusiasm, emotion begets emotion, and vision begets vision. I will be your hands, your arms, your feet, your mouth, that you may love those who are in desperate need of love. My love will cover the multitude of shortcomings. My love will melt away the coldness. My love will break through the barriers. Spread My love wherever you go, cheering the hearts of those around you, encouraging others. For even with simple things like this I am able to use you greatly to change hearts and lives-not only the lives of those who know Me not, but even the lives of those right by your side, those who you come in contact with daily.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 09:08:00 +0000

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