I love how the extremist left media, otherwise called the Main - TopicsExpress


I love how the extremist left media, otherwise called the Main Stream Media here in the US, likes to cover for this administration by spreading a cover story for them, while foreign media and the “very biased” Fox reports seem to match up. Obama knew about this spying and approved it. There is a problem here that is more dangerous to our way of life than any foreign concern. More than any terrorist. More than any concern about upsetting a foreign government. That concern is the continued erosion of the Constitutional boundaries established by the Constitution and the failure of the MSM to fulfill their obligation in a free society. The press has an obligation to report investigate and report on abuses of power, not cover them up. While our Founding Fathers had hoped a free press would report on government abuses, shaming our public servants into better behavior, instead we have a press complicit in the cover-ups. Shame on them for not aggressively going after the “phony scandals” which plague our nation while attempting to find any excuse to attack those that would stand up for the foundation of our country, the Constitution. Ted Cruz making a casual remark about the Rattan March or Nigerian email scammers gets more press than Benghazi and the IRS scandal in the MSM, until the Press themselves our shamed into reporting on them. Is this what we now accept for reporting in our country by the MSM? Itself under attack by the very government in which it desperately tries to cover up their failures and abuses? Shame on the American people for not standing up for the Constitution and instead accepting of being spied upon, a takeover of our health care, and an out of control debt. And, to add insult to injury blaming those that would attempt to stop these activities for shutting down the government. The threat to our way of life is not from outside our borders. The threat today is from the very government which is supposed to be our servant. How many of you today feel like the government serves you? cnn/2013/10/28/politics/white-house-stopped-wiretaps/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 14:55:53 +0000

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