I love my blog name, although I know it places certain limitations - TopicsExpress


I love my blog name, although I know it places certain limitations on some things. I do believe whole-heartedly that motherhood is the absolute toughest job on the planet. Its also (in my opinion) the most rewarding. Sort of like a marathon, yes. I know that if I were to change the name of my blog (and Im not even considering it) to something containing the words homemaking, motherhood, or something with happy or 10 easy steps to...., it would be in a broader niche. I know that some mothers actually skip over my blog thinking it does not relate to them at all since they dont and will never even attempt to run 26.2 miles in one day. But my blog is for every mom. It was birthed to encourage mothers in every season, but especially the ones who are in the trenches right now, with lots of littles all while trying to keep up with the daily demands of cooking, cleaning, and yes, some homeschooling. Yeah....its a marathon, alright. And for every mom who thinks my blog doesnt fit her because shes just an ordinary housewife/homemaker, oh its for you, sister. I get your marathon, and I run alongside you every day. Part of the backstory to my blog is my own mother. She sort of just quit running when I was a girl. For years I thought she gave up on me. Motherhood, for her, at times, seemed too hard....I thought. My marathon metaphor for my blog came from wanting to be the mom who didnt give up. The mom who just kept at it, enjoying the race, appreciating the season, making healthy choices so I could just keep running....and be the best mom I could be for my own family. And yes, because I thought my mom had quit the race on me, I was sad and bitter for a few years. And then I lost her. At a very young age, I lost my mother. And now that shes gone, its all okay. Not only is it okay, I understand her now. How is it I understand her better now that shes gone? How is it that I see her method of endurance for what it was now? Maybe its because I just want her here with me. Now. However she is. I just want to see her smile again. I know I will someday. I miss you, Mama. I will meet you again. If you still have yours, please read this, and then go hug your mama!!! themarathonmom/meeting-your-mother.htm
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 13:49:35 +0000

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